Contact Sensor chirp on close?

Hi Neighbors! We currently do not have the option in the Ring app for a Chirp Tone when a Contact Sensor goes into a closed status. As we value our neighbors feedback, we’ve created Feature Request board. Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place.

In the meantime, you can use Alexa devices to play a custom phrase for the open and close status of your Contact Sensors. As long as you have the Ring skill learned in the Alexa app, you will have the option to do so by creating a routine. To create a routine in the Alexa app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Alexa app on your mobile device.
  2. Tap More in the bottom right-hand corner.
  3. Select Routines from the menu.
  4. Tap the + icon to create a New Routine.
  5. A screen titled New Routine will appear.
  6. Tap on Routine Name and name your routine. For example, “Front Door Closed”
  7. Tap on When This Happens and tap Smart Home, then select the Ring device you are creating the routine for. For example, select your front door Contact Sensor.
  8. Select which capability you’d like to set up. Open or close.
  9. Select Add action, and then choose “Alexa Says”. You will have the option to select a custom phrase or pre-made phrase.
  10. Under From, select which Alexa device controls the Routine.
  11. Tap Create.

Give it a try and let us know how it works out! :slightly_smiling_face:

The alarm system I had previously chimed on open and close. My wife is demanding I take the Ring system out and put a system in that chimes on both. Ring, do you have any time frame on when this feature will be available? Or is this feature even being considered?

wow … simple easy to implement close alert requests since 2020, it’s 2023 and still nothing implemented :frowning:

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