Ring Video Doorbell

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Constant false positive motion alerts

also posted this questions to Ring subreddit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ring/comments/f4phux/excessive\_motion\_alerts\_doorbell\_2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ring/comments/f4phux/excessive_motion_alerts_doorbell_2/) Had the Ring 2 for three years and never had this problem. We're getting a dozen motion notifications a day from our front door camera. I thought it might be the wind blowing our flag near the front door but this has never been an issue before. There will even be multiple times where the motion alerts will trigger while there is no motion at all. [List of some recent alerts](https://i.imgur.com/y9AT7Dx.png) [Motion Alert Distance](https://i.imgur.com/IeaLruw.png) [Motion Zones](https://i.imgur.com/9r5YY8d.png) I did try setting the alert notification frequency to low but it hasn't helped. [https://ring.com/share/6793842933117783304](https://ring.com/share/6793842933117783304) [https://ring.com/share/6793885401754406152](https://ring.com/share/6793885401754406152) [https://ring.com/share/6793974036994493704](https://ring.com/share/6793974036994493704) I Have more samples if needed More recent development is alerts even when the flag is down. no visible motion at all! [https://ring.com](https://ring.com)/share/6794793302006205704 [https://ring.com/share/6794804318597319944](https://ring.com/share/6794804318597319944) [https://ring.com/share/6794811723120938248](https://ring.com/share/6794811723120938248)




18-02-2020 03:52:13

Responses (33)

  • P

    I'm having the exact same problem. It seems to have started right after the upgrade that brought up the "Person at your door" feature. I'm literally getting 50 front door motions every night. I do not have this same problem with my Ringe Flood light camera.


    18-02-2020 05:09:25


      I keep hearing about this feature but I haven't seen the option in my app. Where do I go to turn this on?


      18-02-2020 05:32:28


      False motion alerts sometimes are NOT false alerts. I've heard vehicles drive by and I get an alert, but vehicle does not show up on video because it went by too fast to be caught. It takes a second or two before the video starts recording. Sometimes I'll catch the tail end of a vehicle at the end of the video. Someone can also run in front of your camera. It will set off the alert, but if the person is running fast enough, video will not catch him. Check out to see if that's what's happening. Normal speed walking will be caught or a car stopping in front or the house or pulling into the driveway.


      26-08-2020 07:19:42


      Same here. It’s ridiculous and started when I turned on the person feature. It’s been happening since 3am and every hour since. At 9:37 am there is no one there, no car went by, nothing. In literally on my porch looking at the thing. I hope I don’t have to switch away from ring. Their nonsense responses should like Fitbit when the units fail after 18 months. This happens once a week for about 7 or 8 hours, then stops on its own. Very annoying and I was just about to buy another camera since they’re having a sale. Rethinking now.


      01-09-2020 01:41:38


      Ok, I came here looking for answers to this very annoying issue thinking I was the only one, but I see tons of people asking for a few months and not a single documented answer. Does Ring refund our money for the cameras and service? Can someone please reach out or tell me if I just need to disconnect these cameras? Thanks


      25-09-2020 07:51:55


      Very frustrating and cant understand why it takes Ring so long to deal with the problem if it’s a software/firmware issue. I am getting constant notifications from all my devices, even from one that I’ve switched off!!


      30-09-2020 07:16:28

  • D

    I too am having multiple false motion alarms throughout the day and night. I tried disabling the motion alert but that did not disable all the motion alarms. I had to pull the battery out of the camera to get some sleep last night! Ouch!


    20-02-2020 11:04:56


      Since the recent new firmware I’m getting constant false motion alerts. Day and night. Sometimes it’s every 15-20 minutes. When looking at the motion alerts on video it appears the camera lens is adjusting focus or maybe turning on and off. Could be the IR as well. It’s something the camera itself is doing as seen on the video alerts. Help


      05-04-2020 12:33:58

  • KG

    Same problem. Did you ever find an answer? I’ve had to turn the motion off


    05-04-2020 12:40:41


      Hey neighbors! Our team is always working to add to and improve on Ring app and device features. Depending on the environment, high traffic areas, or even changes in settings, there may be the need to fine tune motion if you are noticing heightened sensitivity or too many alerts. The best way to avoid false alerts is to adjust settings such as motion sensitivity, motion frequency, or event the physical angle of your device. Check out our [Community post](https://community.ring.com/t5/Video-Doorbells/How-it-Works-Video-Doorbell-and-Video-Doorbell-2-Motion-Settings/m-p/21909) which includes visual on how these zones work, to best assist with optimizing your motion detection. Keep in mind, certainly objects like vehicles or heat exhaust vents can generate a heat signature that might trigger motion. I hope this helps! :)


      08-04-2020 06:36:00


      I appreciate the comment, but false motions alerts are going off for no reason after having zero problems for 2 years. It happened after your recent firmware update and some of these new features you've added. I've tweaked them all and nothing stops these false motion alerts. So I've turned off the motion alerts (which is against the whole reason I bought the product). I go back and look at the motion recordings in the app and nothing is happening, other than I can see that the video is refocusing or popping up something with the nightview or iris. as a solution maybe I can revert back to a previous firmware?


      08-04-2020 06:43:10


      There is a problem with your firmware. As the other person said, it worked fine for 3 years, then you do an update that introduces "Person at the Door" feature. At the exact same time, I start getting 50 notifications a night, check my account, I'm not exaggerating. As a software person myself, I know this is not a coincidence. I've messed with every setting, nothing changes it. This a technical issue that needs to be looked into. This answer is not a solution.


      08-04-2020 06:49:06


      Totally spot on with the last comment


      08-04-2020 07:42:02


      Hi There, Please can someone legitimately review this issue? Since updating the app it has occurred! These are not user-errors, you have an issue with your app/device. We are receiving constant motion alerts for motions that are not there. Attached is this morning's alerts. One every couple of minutes, have had 10 and counting! The camera is on a very small porch area, there is no motion. Please Review, Rose


      01-05-2020 08:54:26

  • BB

    I know the feeling. I've been having the problem for over a year. I've tried working with Ring people and they acknowledge that it's a problem, but they haven't responded to me for months. Even though the doorbell is set on the lowest sensitivity and I've provided dozens of examples (and Ring personnel themselves confirmed everything,) I still often have \> 100 false alerts in a single day, and it's not uncommon to have well over **300 false alerts in a single day** (like yesterday). Receiving over _ **1000 false notifications in a single week** _ is, unfortunately, routine. When they did respond to me, they'd write stuff like "... rest assured that our team is actively working on improving the accuracy of this feature." I've asked for escalation, but I don't think I've communicated with anyone from that team. I've even been promised that someone would own the case and communicate with me, but that didn't happen either. Nobody seems to be accountable there. This has made the Ring Doorbell pretty much worthless. They haven't fixed it and, so far, don't seem to care. I'd like to add more stuff to my house, but if they won't fix this, how can I expect them to resolve other issues. What good is this if it still doesn't work after a year of promises? I'm thinking of sending them a bill for each of the false alerts, but I'm sure they'd ignore that like many of my other communications. There's a concept that I learned a long time ago - It's not if a company has a problem that makes them good or bad company, but how they deal with problems. So far, Ring has NOT shown themselves to be a good company.


    23-08-2020 07:20:52


      That's disappointing tbh. I'll try to switch off 'People only' and see what happens.


      24-08-2020 07:25:43


      My Ring Doorbell Pro went completely offline a few days ago and after going through the troubleshooting, I just couldn't get it up and running. I called into Ring and they said that they saw some strange error codes, so are sending me out a replacement. Although that's a separate issue than this thread.... I did mention the longtime issue of often getting \> 1000 false notifications per week, the person ignored my complaint about it. I think I mentioned that others also are having this issue. Additionally, I mentioned that Ring had not responded to my requests for help in quite a while. While I partially understand that his focus was to get me a replacement, I thought it was quite rude that he wouldn't even discuss it with me or even look into the history of the issue.


      02-10-2020 03:59:03


      I too have started receiving constant false positive notifications. I think this started 3-4 days ago (6-7 Nov 2020). I'm now receiving alerts every 15-20 minutes. Only on my ring doorbell is doing this. Not the ring floodlight. Why? Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks, BO


      09-11-2020 03:09:18


      Just last night I started getting motion alerts as often as every 5 minutes on my ring doorbell 2. Like everyone else, there is no motion and this has never been a problem before. I use my doorbell mainly to detect cars pulling in my driveway since we can't see the drive from the house so setting to people only doesnt work for me.


      22-11-2020 01:35:20


      Im having the same problem. Started a couple of days ago. Keep getting false motion alerts every 30 mins or so. And when i try to open the Live View, it says Activating anf then Unable to connect/reconect. However if i go in front of the doorbell and create some real motion, the live view works


      23-11-2020 03:08:28

  • L

    Just started for me a couple days ago. Worked fine for a month, now I get notifications every 15 minutes when there's no actual motion... And like the user above me said, now the Live View won't work either! Just immediately says "Live View ended" and a button to Reconnect that doesn't work either. I don't remember if there was a firmware update or not, but I do remember 2 notable things happened right when the problems started: 1) it rained for the first time and 2) my 30-day free trial for seeing recordings ended.


    26-12-2020 03:13:04


      Exactly the same behaviour started happening to me today, the day after my free trial ended. The device doesn't respect the configured motion zones anymore, which were working perfectly. I plan to reset the device and start from scratch tomorrow to see f that resolves it.


      24-01-2021 05:27:41


      I had the exact issue. My free trial just ended and all the sudden, movement notifications every few minutes ALL day long.


      25-01-2021 11:08:56

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