Camera Motion Detector not following Mode Settings

Hello there,

I have both a Ring Camera and the Ring Doorbell set to detect motion when the system is in Home, and to NOT detect motion when the system is in Disarmed.

But often I see both cameras are recording motion even when in Disarmed mode. It looks like, sometimes, the change from Home to Disarmed does not correctly turn off the motion detector.

Is this a known issue? And workarounds?


Hi @dalembertian. I’d recommend reviewing each Mode to make sure both the Ring Camera and Doorbell have the correct settings. Keep in mind that a Ring Protect plan is required to utilize Modes for Doorbells and Cameras. If you have a Ring Alarm system, check if you have a Mode Schedule in place as well. Should this issue persist, I’d recommend reaching out to our support team to take a look at things on the back end.

Thanks Caitlyn, I’ll reach out to support then, I did check all those steps!


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