Ring Security Cameras

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Camera Event Notifications

Can Ring capture an image and send it with the notification? It would save a lot of data, If I had an preview image of what was captured in my notification, I could decide from that whether or not I need to open the app and view the camera event. If its just a stray dog or cat, swipe it away and be done.




05-06-2019 04:40:41

Responses (4)

  • A

    Would love it to include the thumbnail image in the notification. Could be achieved so easily too (at least on Android, not sure about iOS, and that may be the reason it doesn't—Ring seems to try to keep very close feature parity between the two platforms).


    05-06-2019 07:59:50


      I know iOS can do this because I have another camera system at home that does include a small preview on the lock screen. I have iPhone XR and it requires FaceID before the notification is expanded to show the preview but it can be done and would be very useful, especially for the stray cats that like to roam around in my back yard.


      25-07-2019 06:40:09

  • M

    This is excellent feedback @dmoses1969 and @abqnm , love the idea! There is currently a still image Camera Previews feature which is accessible within the app, but not on the notification banner as you are requesting. You can learn more about Camera Previews [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000685566-Camera-Previews-Information) . We are always making subtle changes and improvements towards ease and quickness of access, so this wish is right up our alley, I'll share this with the team!


    06-06-2019 08:22:07


      > @Marley\_Ring wrote: > > This is excellent feedback @dmoses1969 and @abqnm , love the idea! There is currently a still image Camera Previews feature which is accessible within the app, but not on the notification banner as you are requesting. You can learn more about Camera Previews [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000685566-Camera-Previews-Information) . We are always making subtle changes and improvements towards ease and quickness of access, so this wish is right up our alley, I'll share this with the team! Yes, the preview in the app is useful, but not as useful as a preview in the notification itself would be. If the app is making a cold start, and the OS has to make room in RAM, it can sometimes take what seems like forever to get into the app to even see the preview tiles, so pushing them with the notification would make this so much more useful. Another extremely useful feature would be to implement launcher shortcuts (on Android) and 3d-Touch popups on iOS that will allow you to quickly launch a specific camera live view. It would dramatically speed up the process of getting to the live feed without a notification, and on Android, allow the placement of shortcuts to specific cams directly on the homescreen. It surprises me this is not already available. It's a feature I do miss from a competing platform that I won't mention. That and schedules to disable recording entirely (not just notifications) but that's probably for another day.


      06-06-2019 08:50:16

  • T

    I would love this feature, im pretty sure other doorbells do this... at least one for sure


    12-06-2019 05:17:58

    • I

      This was working for me yesterday on my iPhoneX! It said "use 3D Touch for a preview" on the lock screen and when I did, a still I age popped up without unlocking the phone. Even better, my watch also showed a still image. but today, the app is back to the way it was before. I wonder if this was some kind of test?


      04-01-2020 02:29:35

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