Camera behavior in modes

I use the modes to turn motion detection on and off so my driveway camera (spotlight cam) isn’t constantly going off. I would like the ability to have it continue to monitor for motion and record while the alarm is disarmed, just not notify me. RING: Please add this option to the Modes!

Hi there, @AllStrobedUp! There is indeed an option in the Ring app that can accomplish this. Motion scheduling will allow you to schedule time frames on specific days in which you will normally not need or not want to receive alerts. If you have a routine or a common time that you use disarmed mode, this would be the best time to schedule. Of course, this is a feature for each Camera, not modes specifically.

As we always value our neighbors’ feedback, feel free to add this request on our Feature Request Board. This way other neighbors can share their interest in one place, that we can organize and share with our teams here. :slight_smile:

@Marley_Ring this is in no way a solution. What I asked is for motion alerts to be controlled by modes, not a schedule. The reason for asking was because shedules are not a solution.

@Marley_Ring I am still waiting to be able to control alerts with modes please add this feature!

It would be nice to have a feature that a schedule can turn off BOTH alerts and recording, rather than having to arm and disarm throughout the day manually to accomplish this.

@Marley_Ring can you suggest this for us? I know there is the Suggestion Forum but not honestly sure if Ring is actively monitoring that like you do here.