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Ring Doorbell 2 melted doorbell chime

We have had our doorbell 2 for about 2 weeks. Last night, it sounded like the doorbell rang but nobody pushed the button. Shortly after, we smelled a burning smell. I tracked it down to our original doorbell chime. It was stuck in the "on" position as if someone was holding the doorbell button down and melted one of the rubber rings. Is this going to be more likely an issue at the doorbell or due to the transformer?




10-01-2020 07:43:23

Responses (19)

  • M

    Hi @jonesy326. We take your safety very seriously and thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. To resolve this the quickest and most efficiently, please reach out to our [support team](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372-Get-in-Touch).


    10-01-2020 11:45:48


      This same thing just happened to me. Awoke at 3 in the morning to my doorbell activating. I thought someone was at the door. After a few minutes there was a horrible burning smell throughout the house and we realized it was coming from the doorbell. Can this cause a fire?!? Two hours later and I can't sleep ... had to completely unhook the doorbell from the transformer and disconnect the Ring Pro Power Kit to be safe. What the heck is going on?


      02-05-2020 09:59:07


      Thank you, @caddison for bringing this to our attention! We take your safety very seriously. We've sent this feedback to our teams here who should be reaching out as soon as possible to help you resolve this the quickest and most efficiently.


      05-05-2020 10:30:21

  • C

    Wow, crazy I'm not the only one to have this happen. I had recommended transformer installed and within a week the exact same thing happened. So I've been running it off of battery. That was over a year ago lol. What's the verdict from the company?


    18-03-2020 06:24:56

    • WS

      Has this issue been resolved. One of my 3 doorbell chimes was totally cooked and set off the smoke detectors. Thank goodness we were home. Now my transformer constantly hums.


      17-10-2020 01:01:21


        I heard a buzzing sound coming from my wall where my chime is wired. I shut off the breaker and found my chime to be melted in the on position and was hot to the touch. Had an electrician come by, checked the transformer, and the wiring and all checks out okay. I turned the breaker back on for the doorbell and the buzzing began again inside the wall going to the chime. I have the ring doorbell pro and dissatisfied with this. I fear it will start a fire if I hook it back up. Is anyone from ring addressing this issue that many people are experiencing.


        13-12-2020 12:48:40


        Hi @Beeka27. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. For this concern, it would be best to contact our support team directly, as this is a neighbor to neighbor support forum and not a direct line to support. With your safety being of the utmost importance, I would recommend to disconnect your Ring Doorbell and contact our support team. If you are able to, safely take a few pictures of the affected areas, as this will help our team investigate the cause of this. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support.


        15-12-2020 05:32:34

    • C

      Mine did the same thing! We installed it just today and rang the doorbell a couple of times then a couple minutes later it started burning up in the chime! We can't get it working anymore and I want a refund


      18-10-2020 10:27:14


        I sense a law suit


        19-10-2020 10:04:48


        Hi @Wes-ssf and @Corbinj. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We want to assure you that we take all of our neighbors' concerns very seriously. Are we able to have a member from our team reach out to you about this? If so, we would reach out to you using the email address associated with your Community account and a member of our team will be in contact with you. If this is alright, please let me know and I will arrange this for you to ensure that your concern is addressed appropriately.


        19-10-2020 04:48:28


        Yes, that is perfectly fine with me.


        19-10-2020 05:09:45


        We also had the same thing happen tonight the bell rang no one was there. Shortly after we started smelling a horrible smell coming from the doorbell chime inside the house. Our doorbell no longer works.


        21-10-2020 04:04:04


        I just installed my Ring 3 Pro and it did the same thing. My original doorbell chime smells terrible. It totally fried it out. I had to discount the power from my Ring. I was afraid it was going to start a fire.


        04-11-2020 11:00:25

    • G

      We installed our ring 2 and when we tested it out it smelled like plastics was melting In out house.


      23-10-2020 08:47:03


        I installed mine yesterday afternoon. It worked for one day, and today my wife call me saying that the door chime is smoking. Luckily I was able to walk my daughter through how to pull the breaker. Mine is Ring Doorbell 2 with Chime that I got from Costco. I put the original doorbell back for now until I figure out what is going on. I am aware of the recall, but I did use the correct screw for mounting the face plate. Do I need to return the whole thing to Costco?


        01-12-2020 04:45:56


        Hi @vichai007. Would you mind reaching out to our support team with this concern? They'll be able to gather information about what happened and help find a solution for you. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support.


        01-12-2020 06:32:53

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