Ring Security Cameras
Spotlight Camera losing signal next to router
I can’t seem to figure out why my camera keeps disconnecting outside. If I mount it 10 ft up on my eaves it drops connection, but if it’s right at my head (around 6 ft) then it’s fine. I have an eero mesh Pro router in the garage right behind the wall where it’s mounted so it’s not a signal issue. It’s just that when I hop on my ladder and raise the camera higher than 6 feet it’ll disconnect instantly. I didn’t buy this camera to have it at head height lol. Is this a faulty camera? I’ve done all the troubleshooting stuff like rebooting the router, swapping out the Eero, changing outlets, factory resetting the camera etc.
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19-03-2022 11:39:48
Responses (1)
- A
That’s the thing. It’s right behind the wall. There’s no way an Eero isn’t giving it wifi through a wall like that. The RSSI score is 29 so it doesn’t seem like that’s the issue but like clockwork if I raise the camera above 6 feet it disconnects every time.
25-03-2022 12:31:26
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There may be something in the garage blocking signal, such as an appliance or thick walls. Check out your [RSSI in the device health section of the Ring app](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229), to ensure for optimal wifi signal.
22-03-2022 02:49:14