Ring video door bell 2 problem using
the rin video door bell 2 keep flashing blue like cant connect i use eero router open all ports in router and keep happning no one can rin door bell i use chim pro wifi and thsisi anoying hope fixed soo did factory reset same thing tryed differnt rin door bell dose it there also so its not me changed dns to googlew dose it there also i use astound cable internet with eero router also hope fixed soo like to use i pay 3 dollar for the cloud storige and some tiome the video recoding tell me cant be play like didnt upload right need fixing about to get something eles. really anoyed will give you chance to fix it
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24-09-2023 01:20:12
Responses (1)
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Hi @Raymondjtoth. I have responded to you in this post [here](https://community.ring.com/t/ring-video-doorbell2-problem/218600/3).
25-09-2023 07:52:56