Ring Security Cameras

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Snapshot Capture Sleeps for 1 Hour After Last Recorded Motion Event

I have 11 cameras, all of which are recording all videos without issue. I have all my vids record for 2 minutues.

My Stickup Cam Gen2/Elite and Spotlight Cam both have the exact same issue with Snapshot Capture: For exactly 1 hour after every recorded event, no snapshots are recorded. So, if motion is triggered at 10am, and records to 10:02am, Snapshot capture won’t again capture anything until exactly 11:02am. If a motion event occurs within 60 minutes of the last motion even, then it is still 60 minutes from that point until anything will record. After the 60 minute mark, snapshots record without any issue up until the next time a motion event is triggered, then again nothing for one hour. If I use Live View, snapshots record fine afterwards. It’s only after motion events that nothing records for exactly 1 hour, and only on those two cameras

All recorded video events record fine from these two cameras. I have Snapshot Capture set for 15 seconds on these two cameras. I’ve tried setting it to 30 seconds and a minute as well but they still have the same issue. I’ve also tried turning Snapshot Capture off and back on, as well as rebooting the cameras.

Of my 11 cameras, it’s only the above two that have this issue. Snapshots work correctly from all other cameras, and again, no issues recording videos from any of them either.

Firwmare is v. 15.0.8 on these cameras.




20-05-2024 03:19:40

Responses (2)


Hi @5150Joel. Thanks for listing out which troubleshooting steps you’ve tried already. For the two cameras that are affected by this issue, is there anything recorded on the Event History after the motion event? Or is it a one hour block where there is nothing at all? Feel free to share a screenshot or two of what the Event History looks like as well.

If you’re able to, I’d also suggest completely resetting one of the cameras by holding down the setup button for 20 seconds. After that’s done, walk through the setup process in the Ring app, then configure the Snapshot Capture settings again. Test it out and let me know if this same issue still occurs.


22-05-2024 08:57:07


Thanks @Caitlyn_Ring

Yes, any Event History afterwards records fine–all motion events or live views work and record without issue, even if it’s within that 1 hour window after the last motion event. Only Snapshots are missing for exactly one hour after the last motion event. What I’ve been doing if I think about it as a workaround is, if I know the camera just did a motion-initiated recording, I’ll do a quick Live View from that cam, then Snapshot Capture will work again as they should. A quick Live View seems to kickstart Snapshot Capture into working again if I don’t want to wait an hour. If I don’t do the Live View right after the motion event, then it’s exactly 1 hour until Snapshot Capture starts working again from the time the last motion event ended.

I don’t have the option currently to get up on a latter to try a reset. However, I’m thinking this feels like a firmware bug on those model cameras.

I did a quick search (which admiitedly I guess I should have done in the first place) and found others reporting the exact issue here:


23-05-2024 12:14:31


@5150Joel Thank you for confirming that. The next time one of these devices detects motion, don’t activate a Live View, allowing there to be that 1 hour window of time with no snapshot images. After a few hours have passed, go back to the Event History Timeline to check if that 1 hour window of time is still blank, or if the snapshot images have since appeared.


28-05-2024 04:32:18



That’s the problem I’m reporting as detailed in my first post: No snapshots record for exactly one hour after the last motion event. After that one hour, everything works fine until the next motion event, then snapshots again don’t record for one hour. That 1st one hour window after the last motion event is always blank.

I was hoping this could be escalted to development since this is almost definitely a firmware bug on those 2 model cameras.


28-05-2024 05:16:52


@5150Joel I understand, I wanted to clarify if the snapshot images eventually show up later on to determine if the issue was a delay or just the outright absence. We can’t escalate this issue here on the Community as we do not have access to any device details.

From this point on, I’d recommend contacting our support team to investigate further. At your convenience, please send a private message on Facebook @Ring with a few details about this concern. Feel free to share a link to this Community thread in that message as well.


30-05-2024 12:29:42

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