Ring Security Cameras
"No Video Found" when clicking on a motion event in Ring app
This was the second time I received this error message when trying to click on a motion event. Ironically this particular motion event should have been a "person detected" event as it was my daughter walking and getting into the car. 
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02-12-2021 04:40:15
Responses (6)
- S
Hi I'm having the same problem. Logging on via my web browser, it's the same problem. In some instances there is a Video, in others there's a Motion message with "No Video" I'll appreciate feedback/ideas on what to do about this. With thanks
19-06-2022 11:21:59
BSame problem. I setup ring before I left town and worked fine. Now when I get a notification event, it always says no video found in events On the timeline, it usually says loading and never loads and then later, the event disappears from timeline. Not sure if Event Alert is just a false alert or if really a problem with recording. I am out of town so cant really diagnose events but signals are all good Ring.com same thing. No Video Found. The Video for this event does NOT exist
29-06-2022 11:58:32
- C
Hi neighbors. The cause of receiving this error message can vary between each neighbor, as it is likely due to the connection either your Ring device is receiving or the connection on your mobile device. You can check the [RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229#M4) on the Device Health screen to see if your Ring device is receiving a stable connection. Test out both wifi and cellular data on your mobile device as well. If this concern persists, please follow up with our support team when you are available to troubleshoot with your Ring device. You can give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.
30-06-2022 07:40:10
- S
Same issue, am not able to retrieve the video from my phone or from a PC. Every video of delivery people dropping things off or my family walking out the door is accessible, but there are two events of a trespasser who I'm trying to get and they're the *only* two that say there's no video.
04-10-2022 12:56:10
- U
I am having the same issue. The motion event shows, but no video available. This has become problematic as we have missed thefts and vandalism for which a video would be greatly helpful to us and the local police. It happens on both my mobile app and on web. Every time I have checked the RSSI signal on the camera and it has been green and latest value is 'RSSI -54'. The camera is 20ft from the router, new router, 2.4 GHz. Missing video when all set up is done as instructed and values of the Wifi signal are good is problematic.
03-02-2023 10:26:01
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Try visiting Ring.com via web browser and logging in to play the video recording from there. As long as your [Protect Plan subscription](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030333671-How-to-Subscribe-to-a-Ring-Protect-Plan-Subscription) is in place and has not recently lapsed, a captured event should play. I recommend also waiting some time for the video to become available, and also considering mobile device variables such as the connection on wifi versus cellular data. Please also disable any VPNs you have, as the Ring app is not compatible with VPNs. If this concern persists, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406) so they can assist with more in-depth troubleshooting. If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.
02-12-2021 04:51:22