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Fix for Live View not working from Ring's website-grant microphone permission

Wanted to share what fixed Live View not working in **Google Chrome** from Ring's website. Once you're logged into Ring.com, click the **padlock** in the top-left of your address bar and select **Site Settings**. Locate **Microphone** in that list and change it to **Allow**. Refresh your tab for your Ring account and Live View should load afterwards. For weeks I couldn't get Live View to load after logging into Ring's website on any of my cameras. I had no problems at all hitting Live View from any other device/android phone/iPhone/Ring desktop app from anywhere else, inside or outside my network. I thought I'd try from my wife's laptop instead of my normal desktop. As soon as I tried Live View from her laptop, Chrome prompted me to allow permission to the laptop microphone. Once that permission was granted, Live View worked fine for all my cams. Returned to my normal desktop and checked the site permissions for Ring.com in Chrome and granted permission to the microphone (permission was set to Ask). After that, Live View now loads immediately on all my cameras from Ring.com. I don't even have a mic' on my main desktop, but it seems the Win10/Chrome Mic' permission must be granted for Live View to load. I remember the Ring desktop app prompted me for the permission as well at one point.




06-09-2021 04:54:02

Responses (14)

  • C

    Hi @5150Joel. Thank you for sharing this tip! A lot of neighbors may not see the notification for the permission or their browser won't give them the notification, so this is a great tip to have them check it if Live View isn't working on desktop. :)


    08-09-2021 07:33:44

    • A

      Great find, as I was was going to quit Ring, as Live View only worked on the "death sentenced", desktop app, not cellular or from web browsers. In my case the microphone permission was set to never ask. I am still disappointed in Ring as it appears, there are new Live View issues, probably related to 5G. I'm sure their engineers know these issues, probably are working on them, but users are left in the dark. I think they need to share this type of info to let users know they care about getting resolution, even thou, issues like this, having to work with different companies, maybe reluctant to make changes, possibly due to security issues may not be a quick fix. Users feel ignored, Cellular Live View worked great for many years and some event happens, all existing Ring troubleshooting steps are followed with no resolution. I just need to hear that they are aware of some issues, and working on them, kinda like Microsoft does with their WIN 10 updates notifications.


      09-09-2021 07:21:22

      • F

        5150Joel - I think it's great that you made the discovery and took the time to notify Ring community members. I hope that Ring engineers, however, don't consider your discovery a “fix”... as no user should ever be forced to grant microphone permission for ANY reason including, but not limited to, as a requirement for being allowed to view live videos.


        09-09-2021 12:18:22

        • H

          5150Joel -- Thank you for sharing your discovery!


          09-09-2021 09:01:18

          • J

            Thank you so much for posting this! I was really aggravated, having the same problem, but this fixed it. To any further readers, just make sure you are on your "Dashboard" page with the when you make this change because it only affects the page you are currently on. It is not a global change for Chrome.


            10-09-2021 02:01:21

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