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Android can't connect to live view

Recently encountering a problem where my android phone can't reliably connect to live view. It churns for about 20 seconds and then complains my app can't connect to ring. Does this mean the Ring Servers or my Ring device via the Ring Servers? Or simply to my Ring Doorbell? My experience with this device has never been stellar. I've NEVER seen a video of a delivery person approaching my door, although I've seen a few butts walking away. What's the point if you don't see their faces? Anyway, I called support and what a difference from the time I first installed the device and now when Amazon is in control? At first I got a person obviously raised in the USA who spoke clearly and empathetically. Now when I call I get an accent so thick I have to ask to repeat things multiple times and absolutely no empathy. You'd think I was inconveniencing them! No real trouble shooting skills, only checking boxes. I'm told at 10:30 at night I have to dismount the device from my outside wall and press the reset button when the device appears to be working well. It's my app that can't contact Ring. Very frustrated.




15-07-2019 05:39:50

Responses (10)

  • M

    Hey @ubergoober , so sorry to here you've had a frustrating experience, we are happy to assist. Live video not connecting can usually be tied to mobile phone, application, or Wifi related concerns. To best narrow down the possible causes, is there another mobile device you can try this on? If not, please try this on Wifi only as well as data only, to see if the connection is more consistent. [Here is our article covering the best steps to resolve a live view connection concern](https://community.ring.com/t5/Ring-App/Why-Your-Live-View-May-Be-Taking-a-Long-Time-to-Load/m-p/821#M32). If you are still having concerns, after trying the above recommendations, please reach out to our support as they will be able to dig a little deeper.


    15-07-2019 08:36:35


      Hi there, neighbors! Live view concerns can be related to many things, but is often connection. Remember to [check your RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229) (wifi signal strength) and try out [these steps for troubleshooting live view connection](https://community.ring.com/t/ring-live-view-not-working-or-connecting-ring-troubleshooting-tips/249). Please also ensure there is not a VPN enabled, and that there are [no Android apps that conflict with the Ring app](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005889983-Android-Apps-that-Conflict-with-the-Ring-App) installed. I hope this helps! :)


      14-09-2021 03:06:44

  • A

    I'm having the same problem with not being able to connect to live view and I just installed my ring doorbell yesterday. 99.9% of the time the live view just spins then I get the error message it won't connect. This is definitely very frustrating and the live view feature is one of the main features we want and needs to work... every time. I hope they fix this....fast!


    01-11-2019 02:11:05


      If you're not able to connect to live view, @Adaguilar , you'll want to contact our support team to check your speeds and connection. They can be reached at 800-656-1918. Thank you!


      04-11-2019 09:52:49


      Okay, I will do that. Thank you for responding.


      04-11-2019 10:00:15


      I have checked my fiber optic internet speed which is excellent as well as the connection to my new Ring door bell which is also showing excellent. The doorbell rings but, the video will not work. I still get the wait time nagging circle ending with a unable to connect message. If I can't fix this by tomorrow, I will be returning this. Very frustrating.


      06-11-2019 03:02:08


      Phoned and spoke to 2 separate "support" team members about the non existent live view using mobile data. As soon as we had established that my s10e phone runs android 10 it was game over. COME ON RING! YOUR APP AND SERVICE SUCK. In theory it's a great product but without the tech to back it up, it's pretty much not built for the purpose you advertise. It's not an inexpensive piece of kit, I think your customers deserve more.


      04-01-2020 12:36:31

  • S

    One Plus 6t Mclaren, same issue. Wife's iphone no problems works everytime and everywhere. This is an app issue, because eveybody's phone cant be the culprit. Too many different androids phones not working .


    04-01-2020 08:35:28

    • PD

      Same problem here, also running Samsung S10E and app is not showing notifications as quick as my wifes iPhone x + I missed two calls today, because the notifications does not open up the app, when I press it, when receiving a ring. Surely ruins a lot of the package that this product is supposed to give you..


      08-01-2020 01:37:46

      • B

        Yup same here Android pixel 3..... Internet speeds good still no connection. Come on ring figure this out!!!!


        09-03-2020 09:47:28


          I too am ino this boat, I have a pixel 3a, excellent 4g, excellent optic fibre, wifi strength good but no live view over 4g. Tried both my phone and wifes but to no avail. Apparently it has something to do with that our phones work on ipv6 but ring only working with ipv4, so essentially incompatible. Yet I can buy £15 dog camera and I can access it from mobile network halfway across the country ? what the hell ring?


          16-03-2020 07:13:37


          I'm having this issue as well however I can view the camera on 4glte. I CANT view it on wifi. I have a Samsung Note 9. My wife has an Apple phone, it works over WiFi all the time.... \This is really annoying


          20-03-2020 10:38:02


          Had the same issuetried resetting router port forwarding on router phone ring no good phone three mobile they said there's no problems tried my friend's phone on O2 went through straight away so came back tried my sky SIM instead of my three SIM and it worked the tree put my three SIM back in and it worked now working ok the only thing I did different is the Samsung S20 is dual SIM so put it into SIM 2 rebooted it and then put it back into SIM 1 and rebooted it and it seems to be connecting fine now over 4 g fingers crossed


          30-01-2021 01:22:36

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