Ring Video Doorbell
In home mechanical chime and Ring doorbell pro 2
I connected the provided Pro Power Kit v3 to my in home chime. I set the Ring app to use in home chime and set it as mechanical. When doorbell is rung, the in home chime doesn't sound. I contacted support, they told me to remove the Pro Power Kit because it wasn't needed with the new Pro 2 doorbell. I removed it and the in home chime would now ring when the doorbell was activated. Today, I noticed a humming coming from the in home chime. I reattached the Pro Power Kit and the hum stopped. My question is two fold. How do I get the in home chime to work with the Pro Power Kit? If the in home chime will only work if the Pro Power Kit is removed, how do I stop the hum? As a side note, when the power kit is attached, according to Device Health, my transformer voltage is 20V and power output is level 1. When the kit is removed, my transformer voltage is 19V and power output is Level 2.
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15-08-2023 06:52:05
Responses (7)
- J
Here is a picture. The two ends of the power kit are attached to Front and Trans. 
16-08-2023 12:32:04
- S
That definitely looks right. And since the device is in parallel it doesn't matter which end goes on which terminal. So that's out the window. But what's odd is, you say the everything works without the kit when you ring the doorbell. From what I saw on my system, without the Pro Power Kit, the moment the doorbell was pushed on the Ring Pro 2 the solenoid would be anemic and would take up to ten seconds to complete the ring cycle. For you it works without it. So here's my theory, and please take it with a grain of salt since I haven't done this type of works since the late 80s. Maybe your transformer is providing more current than mine does. And that might actually explain the hum. The solenoid is just at the state of trying to engage due to the exact voltage/current condition starting to be met with your Ring Pro 2 in the circuit. Wish I could provide more help but you've reached my limit of experience with Ring hardware.
16-08-2023 12:53:39
- J
Hi @jat1228. The Pro Power Kit does need to be installed in your chime when [installing your Pro 2](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360054675132-Video-Doorbell-Pro-2-Installation-guide-), and based on your picture, it looks correctly installed. Also, you took the right step by checking your Doorbell's chime setting to make sure it was set to mechanical. You also want to make sure your chime is compatible with the Pro 2 by using this Help Center [page](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360059789591-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro-2-Chime-Kit-Compatibility-List). If it is compatible, I recommend reaching out to our [support team](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406#store-opening-hours) once more to further investigate your concern.
17-08-2023 05:09:48
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It might be something unforeseen in the wiring of the doorbell itself. Can you upload a picture of the doorbell terminals and mark which terminals you are hooking the Pro Power kit to?
15-08-2023 08:48:05