Ring Video Doorbell
Does Ring Video Doorbell 2 have SD Card Slot
Hi, Could you please suggest if Ring Video Doorbell 2 has SD Memory card slot available, if yes, how to install the card? Thanks, Mahi
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08-06-2020 11:18:37
Responses (4)
- R
I am getting notifications that my ring off-site storage ends today. There is no TF card slot, like other manufacturer doorbells have. So, do I not have any way to store or save videos without buying a monthly subscription ?
29-07-2021 08:18:34
- M
Hi there, @Radicalbill! There are not external storage options or additional storage device slots on your Ring device. This sounds like a great request for our [Feature Request Board](https://community.ring.com/c/products/feature-request-board/24). We love sharing feedback like this with our teams here. :) Ring devices are a one time purchase and incur no additional or ongoing costs, or mandatory fees. With that being said, we do offer optional [Protect Plan subscriptions](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360030333671-How-to-Subscribe-to-the-Ring-Protect-Plan), which feature great benefits including saving your videos for later review. Without a subscription, live view and answering your events live is necessary to view video.
29-07-2021 04:25:15
- R
Check out the Ring Alarm Pro https://ring.com/products/alarm-pro-base-station
08-01-2022 04:07:59
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Hey @mahij. While this is not a feature at this time, this is a great idea to share! As we value our neighbors' feedback, we've created a [Feature Request](https://community.ring.com/t5/Feature-Request-Board/idb-p/Feature_Request_Board) board. Feel free to add this and any future feature requests there. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place.
09-06-2020 10:00:07