Ring Security Cameras
Recordings too short, motion still going on
The recordings are to short. Everytime I try to watch a recording on my ring about a movement it just stops recording even though the movement still going and for the camera to start recording again the movement has to stop and it has to detect a new one. This is very annoying, for a security camera to stop recording when the action is going on is just useless. I haven’t found a solution or a way to extend the recordings for longer periods. One time a guy tried to steal the camera, fortunately he couldn’t reach it, but he moved it, and the dumb camera didn’t even detected that as a movement because irlt just had recorded movement seconds ago. This needs a solution Now! Or I may be needing to change the camera to a brand of a camera that can record what it really is supposed to.
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23-05-2020 08:36:36
Responses (7)
- M
Sorry to hear about that happening! It sounds like this might be related to the motion stop feature or even recording length setting. The motion stop feature for your video recordings, automatically stops the recording after a Ring device starts detecting motion. The devices stop after 20 seconds for battery-operated devices even if physically installed as hardwired, and 60 seconds for hardwired devices without a battery option. This saves on battery life and data charges. You can certainly adjust your recording length by following the steps in this [help center article.](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040293791-Adjust-the-Video-Recording-Length-on-Your-Battery-Powered-Devices) I hope this helps! :)
26-05-2020 04:26:04
WThat does not fix the issue. The recordings need to continue for longer that 30 seconds -- they should record for the entire duration of the movement. How do I fix this?
28-10-2020 04:05:23
CHey neighbors! You may want to take a look at adjusting the video recording length, as Ring Cameras are not designed to record continuously so they will record for a certain amount of time each time an event is detected. You can find the instructions for adjusting this setting on battery-operated devices [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040293791-Adjust-the-Video-Recording-Length-on-Your-Battery-Powered-Devices), and for wired devices [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360049667572-Adjust-the-Video-Recording-Length-for-Wired-Devices). I hope that helps clear things up! :)
28-10-2020 05:01:30
RSo the cameras only record for 30 secs or however long the setting is for, even if there is still movement going on? So if somebody backs a truck in my driveway, breaks open the door, hauls out my large screen TV and leaves, I will only have a recording of him walking up to the door if he makes it back out the door and leaves quickly enough?
29-10-2020 04:40:09
RAnother comment on recording time: Tonight I walked out to the mailbox - about 60 feet. When I opened the back door, my back door camera, which points straight down the driveway, picked that up and stayed recording nearly until I reached the mailbox and then shut off, which is what I would expect. My front door camera, which is perpendicular to the driveway, picked me up when I cleared the house corner and recorded for 13 seconds until I reached the mailbox, which is hidden from it by a bush, so it apparently cut off the recording at that point. That was also expected. However, 7 seconds later, I returned up the driveway, and the front camera did not record anything when I retraced my steps, while the back camera did not record anything as I approached it until I took the first step on my back porch (14 feet from the camera). I see 2 issues here: What is the recovery time between 'events', where the camera chopped off the first motion before the entire time that I had set, but didn't start recording again when it should have detected me walking the same route 7 seconds later. Is there any way to set the camera to detect motion for somebody walking directly toward it (even though it's 10 feet above ground) until they make some movement perpendicular to that axis? When I was testing the camera, I found that I could walk the entire 60 feet at a normal pace, even weaving a few feet back and forth, right up to the camera, and even wave my hand right in front of it, turn around and walk away, and it still didn't detect any motion. This is unacceptable for a 'security' camera. Surely some combination of the PIR sensors and the pixel-shifting used in the doorbells could do a better job of detecting motion than the cameras currently do.
30-10-2020 01:57:23
C@RonE For battery-operated devices, I'd recommend reading this Help Center Article about Motion Frequency [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003477106-Understanding-and-Optimizing-Motion-Detection-with-Motion-Frequency). The Motion Frequency setting controls how your Ring will behave when there is back-to-back motion events. As for how the motion detection actually works, I'd suggest reviewing [this](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042728431-Advanced-Motion-Detection-in-Ring-Devices) article. It will go into detail on the motion detection for both battery-operated and wired devices, and should help answer your questions.
30-10-2020 04:55:50
- W
I'm having the same issue? A vehicle pulls into my driveway and that starts the 30 second recording, but by the time the vehicle parks and the person gets out the camera has turned off and doesn't begin recording again because it is the same event! Ridiculous! It makes the camera useless.
28-10-2020 04:04:18
- H
You guys are lucky. Mine only records for 6 seconds and the person is waking away and already ½ way down my driveway, and that's with 2 cameras Ring Doorbell 2 & Stick up Cam. I had to add the extra camera because the Doorbell wouldn't let me see packages next to it. The Ring is a Joke. To be honest I'm switching to another company.
03-03-2021 11:34:24
- U
I have the same issue with a wired stick up cam. No matter what recording length I select, recording length is only 6 seconds. Ring has not given any help to remedy this issue.
26-10-2021 11:34:20
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I have the same issue as it only records for 20 seconds. Spotlight cam connected to solar charger. Hopefully someone knows how to change this.
23-05-2020 10:54:33