Ring Security Cameras

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Live view giving trouble

Hi, apparently we are still having trouble with the live. It does not detect when a person comes to the front door, drive on the driveway or come to the side door entrances. The live does not open to show you the person there. The only thing shows are the rich notifications which sometimes show a snap picture of the person. This rich notification doesn't always capture a picture some shows blank. I am confused why ring have speakers in each camera to talk to a person that appears on your property but you can't see them in the live. So if the live doesn't detect the person and open so that you can see them what's the purpose of the speakers to talk to them. You can't talk to.them through the rich notification. The rich notification only capture a screen shot by the time you go to tap the live the person have already left because it takes a few 5 to 10 seconds to open. If it opens and doesn't kick you out. I don't believe the bug is fix in the system because we are still experiencing issues. The ring wasn't acting up like this before. And why do we have a note over the live to say the live ended. How can the live ended if it doesn't open or reconnect as it should. I don't think we should be tapping reconnect all the time to open the live to view the outside of your house. The live should remain open for you see who is stealing things off your property. Keeping it saying the live view ended doesn't help. We buy cameras for protection to see as well as what the camera see too. Please look into this and let us know.




15-02-2021 08:05:03

Responses (3)

  • B

    i wish i had read the issues over live video before purchasing and installing. it’s no good as a security camera if you can’t set to live for 24/7monitoring.


    23-02-2021 08:17:45

    • W

      [quote="tasha2 Hi, apparently we are still having trouble with the live. It does not detect when a person comes to the front door, drive on the driveway or come to the side door entrances. The live does not open to show you the person there. The only thing shows are the rich notifications which sometimes show a snap picture of the person. This rich notification doesn’t always capture a picture some shows blank. I am confused why ring have speakers in each camera to talk to a person that appears on your property but you can’t see them in the live. So if the live doesn’t detect the person and open so that you can see them what’s the purpose of the speakers to talk to them. You can’t talk to.them through the rich notification. The rich notification only capture a screen shot by the time you go to tap the live the person have already left because it takes a few 5 to 10 seconds to open. If it opens and doesn’t kick you out. I don’t believe the bug is fix in the system because we are still experiencing issues. The ring wasn’t acting up like this before. And why do we have a note over the live to say the live ended. How can the live ended if it doesn’t open or reconnect as it should. I don’t think we should be tapping reconnect all the time to open the live to view the outside of your house. The live should remain open for you see who is stealing things off your property. Keeping it saying the live view ended doesn’t help. We buy cameras for protection to see as well as what the camera see too. Please look into this and let us know. [/quote] I was able to reach a Community support person at Ring. They walked me through the steps of reselecting my network. If you navigate to Ring App > devices > select door bell> Device health > change WIFI Network. Follow the steps to reselect network. Let the firmware update complete. Don’t touch the device until it’s completed. It may take about 5 minutes. Once it completed everything was working again. I suspect there was a problem with their May 7 update that’s caused a network issue that these steps will fix.


      24-02-2021 03:06:04

      • M

        Hi there, neighbors! It looks like several concerns are shared in this thread, more than just live view. Usually when multiple concerns exist, the best things to check first are resources. Check out our [Community post about RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229) for tips on improving wifi signal strength. Here is also our [Live View Troubleshooting article](https://community.ring.com/t/live-view-not-activating-and-connecting-troubleshooting-tips/249) containing the best steps to improve live view connection. While this information can be helpful, more direct support might be better to tackle all of these concerns at once. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support.


        02-03-2021 04:42:14

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