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Outdoor Siren - does it charge the Quick Release Battery Pack?
food requirements

Just bought a Ring alarm system with an outdoor siren. This is probably a really daft question but if we buy a Ring Plug-In Adapter to power the siren would that also charge a quick release battery pack if fitted (with no solar panel or D batteries)? To me it'd make sense if the battery was trickle charged so it could act as a backup power source in the event of mains outage. The wording on the Ring website seems to read that the battery pack is only charged by either the solar panel or by removing it and connecting it up via USB but this might just be the way I'm misinterpreting it! Thanks!




26-01-2022 06:46:18

Responses (10)

  • Hi @WalterBoots. This Help Center article [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058277512-Outdoor-Siren-Power-Sources) goes over all of the power options for the Ring Alarm Outdoor Siren. I hope this clears things up for you.


    28-01-2022 04:50:03

  • Yes it will charge it.


    29-01-2022 12:44:25

    • Thanks for the replies! @Tom_Ring - I'd seen that article before and the wording "Can be manually recharged or charged with a Ring Solar Panel" for the "Ring Quick Release Battery Pack" reads (to me!) that it can only be charged manually (i.e. via USB) or if it is connected to the solar panel. I was hoping for some explicit statement somewhere on the website that says "battery will be recharged by the mains supply if connected". @groundhogday - ta! Is that from personal experience? Sorry if that question seems a little "off" but it's always good to confirm things with people that have actually tried things out! As you can seen from my reply in the first part of this post I clearly don't trust the way it has been worded on the Ring website... :laughing: Anyway I guess we'll find out for ourselves soon as we've ordered the plug-in adapter and quick release battery pack. :slightly_smiling_face:


      29-01-2022 03:40:50

      • Okay, a small update. We've received our plug-in adapter and quick release battery pack. When I did a bench test (not installing anything/drilling holes/up the ladder until I know it all works!) with the quick release battery fitted and the plug-in adapter powered up both of the lights (amber and green) on the battery pack lit up, and after several hours the amber light extinguished. So from that comprehensive experiment (!) I think I can conclude that @groundhogday was correct and the battery does indeed trickle charge from the mains. However... I'm not sure if it's just the app, or something I've done/not done, but the power status icons aren't showing what I expect. When I first plugged the adapter in it took ages for it to show the green lightning bolt on the siren's info page and then ages for it to disappear when I unplugged the adapter. I appreciate that when we've installed sensors we've seen a message saying "Changes might take XX hours to update" (why?) so I'm giving it a little bit of slack on that front. What is annoying is that the quick-release pack doesn't seem to exist according the app - there's just the battery symbol with the diagonal strike out across it, and it didn't change to show any indication of charging or that it was charged (i.e. no green battery symbol c.f. the sensors). When the D batteries were fitted the power symbol changed to a green battery as expected. What's confusing (to me) is that, as part of further tinkering/testing, I've now had the mains power switched off for a few hours but I can still run the LED tests (either via the app or by pressing the small black button on the siren next to the battery pack) and they work - so either there's another hidden internal/residual power supply to allow me to do this (which I doubt) or the quick-release pack is actually working but it just doesn't register with the app. Sorry for my rambling on. This seems like a good alarm system but the little niggles are beginning to irk... :slight_smile:


        01-02-2022 01:15:24

        • I threw my battery in flat and it charged. In my app i see 3 icons - i can see the battery pack in green as well as the d batteries and hardwired.


          01-02-2022 07:18:17

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