Ring Video Doorbell

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Accepted Solution
Wired Ring Doorbell not Triggering Original Chime

I installed my ring doorbell this weekend, using the two wires from my original doorbell. It's up and running properly, but not ringing the original chime as the Ring button is pushed. In addition, the app says battery power as source, no indication that it's hooked to power source. I think I've done something wrong, but I don't know what kind of doorbell transformer I have. So my question is how do I know how to wire the Ring and what trial and error can I do to get to the solution? Thanks in advance.




02-09-2019 02:09:43

Responses (15)

  • M
    Accepted Solution

    Hey, neighbors. I see many of you are looking for the in-home chime settings in your Ring app. For those with a [Video Doorbell (2020 release)](https://ring.com/products/video-doorbell-v2), [Video Doorbell 3](https://ring.com/products/video-doorbell-3), or [3 plus](https://ring.com/products/video-doorbell-3-plus), there will be an in-home chime setting. Please visit your specific Video Doorbell page in the Ring app, then select it's Device Settings. There you will see from the list "In-home Chime Settings," which will allow you to choose your chime type. If you have a **Video Doorbell 2** (different from the 2020 release), this option does not look to be available in the Ring app, although this model should not require any further alteration for the chime kit to work. If you have a [Video Doorbell Pro](https://ring.com/products/video-doorbell-pro), here is our [Help Center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/212207763-Disabling-Your-In-Home-Doorbell-Chime-on-a-Ring-Pro) about disabling a chime kit, which contains the steps necessary to access these settings in your Ring app. If it’s the Video Doorbell Wired, it will not ring your internal chime kit, which is noted on the product page [here](https://ring.com/products/video-doorbell-wired). To hear audio alerts in your home for any of your devices, you can pair your Doorbell with a [Ring Chime](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=set+up+chime) or [compatible Alexa device](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003247146-How-to-Connect-Amazon-Alexa-Enabled-Devices-with-Ring-Devices). I hope this helps!


    08-02-2021 03:45:23


      The thing that makes it difficult is finding where the settings are hidden. You can't click on just any settings button you have to find the right settings button. I know. I know. Go to Devices Click on your device  Scroll down and click on the settings icon that is found there. It's different than other settings icons, though not an appearance. There you will find in-home chime settings.  This is Something that ring should have been able to help with but clearly could not. Thank you to those who got me pointed in the right direction


      04-08-2024 03:39:57

  • M

    Good question @Joshjani . The best first step is finding your transformer and checking it's power output rating as well as how old it is. Taking the wires at the door off the Video Doorbell, and connecting them together for a brief second, should sound your internal chime. If it chimes, this means the chime kit is at least working and there is enough power to power the chime kit. That being said, it does not mean there is enough power to operate both the chime kit and the Video Doorbell with a trickle charge. Additionally, please ensure the wiring used is not old, fraying, corroded, or thin (cat5/6). Let me know if this helped :)


    04-09-2019 11:32:37


      We'll, as it turns out, the circuit breaker needed to flipped and turned back on. I apparently didn't flip it back on completely, which I discovered when trying to turn another light on in my home. Once I flipped it on again, the ring light came on, and the app now indicates that it's getting a trickle charge. Oh, and the chime works too!


      04-09-2019 11:37:32


      Hey @Joshjani that is great to hear! Just to confirm, everything is up and running as it should be? If so, feel free to accept your latest post as the [Accepted Solution](https://community.ring.com/t5/Ring-Community/Community-101-Best-Practices/m-p/1945#M92) so neighbors who may be experiencing somethign similar know exactly what helped you!


      06-09-2019 07:00:17


      Based on this reply, it is obvious that the terminals on the back of ring should connect when the button is pushed, thus doing the same thing as manually touching the wires together. The terminals on my ring do not make when the button is pushed and I cannot get anyone at ring to understand this.


      08-11-2019 12:59:54


      Hey @RE1! Other than troubleshooting power variables, it's always good to make sure the chime kit you are using is on our [Chime Compatibility list](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/209028546-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro-Chime-Kit-Compatibility-List). I hope this helps! :)


      08-11-2019 10:48:57


      My question has nothing to do with compatibility - simply do the contacts on the back of the ring connect when the button is depressed. Like any other door bell, push the botton and the terminals connect thus activating the chime. One Ring Tech told me they should, mine doesn't. I am trying to verify if that is correct and what to do about it if it is correct.


      09-11-2019 12:56:12

  • N

    I have a question about that. I've had my ring doorbell for about three years. It always rang the house chime but has stopped recently. I've used all of the online tricks. What else can I do??


    26-04-2020 12:01:11


      Given that your doorbell did work at one time and it is three years old, I assume you do not have a ring video doorbell 2. I am only familiar with the ring video doorbell 2. That system will never activate your existing chime.


      26-04-2020 12:16:16

  • H

    I have been having problems with my ring doorbell. When it was originally installed, the doorbell chime could be heard inside my house correctly. Shortly after, the chime would not sound in my house when the bell was rung, only on my mobile device. After troubleshooting to see if it was the ring or my home electric wiring, it was determined to be the ring doorbell as my original doorbell worked fine when tested. It also is not being powered by my wiring because the battery keeps needing recharged. Also, it is not relaying the action in a timely manner and has gotten worse. A person could have rung my doorbell or even walked onto my porch and made it back to their car before I am notified that someone is at the door. Almost making it useless!


    20-05-2020 04:29:17


      That sure sounds like your Ring Door bell is expiring. It would be highly unlikely your house wiring has anything to do with it since it appears to be changing over time. You could check the connections to make sure they are tight. Also, if you have a volt meter, you could check the output of your doorbell transformer - should be 12-17v. Additionally if you jump the door bell wires at the Ring button and your door bell works, it is most definitely the Ring device causing the problem. If you replace it, do not get the Ring Video Door Bell 2 - it will not work with your in home chime. I think the Pro series will, check the comments in this post.


      21-05-2020 11:12:24


      I just installed a Ring Video Doorbell Gen 2--not sure if that is the same as the Ring 2 or not. All works well except that the existing digital chime in my house does not trigger on the first push of the Ring doorbell button. it does on the 2nd push....every time. I really don't think I want to start pulling this doorbell apart to see how it works and what is going on...obviously if the thing triggers on the 2nd push then it technically works, but something is not working on the first push of the button. Any ideas? Setting are set up properly for the digital chime, power is at 19.2VAC at the doorbell, all other notifications work fine. Help!


      11-07-2020 02:13:59


      Okiecokes: I am not sure what Gen 2 is but I believe it is not the same as Video Door Bell - although it also doesn't activate the internal bell. Pushing the button twice to get the internal bell to ring still renders it useless in my opinion. You'd have to put a sign up asking everyone to push twice ?. Just out of curiosity I did try pushing mine twice - does not work. If you look at all the posts about this topic, and the fact that no one from Ring has chimed in with a fix, It tells me they know its and issue and don't plan to do anything about it.


      12-07-2020 11:22:56


      It is a Gen 2 video doorbell....does not require a diode, per all the instructions on the Ring website for installation. I'm not sure what distinguishes it from an original.


      25-07-2020 11:24:22


      I am not familiar with Gen 2 but if it does not work, then it must be the same as the ones I have, Ring Video Door Bell 2. All a diode does is to limit the current flow to one direction, not going to fix your problem.


      26-07-2020 06:17:33

  • B

    Hey everyone, I had this exact same issue. What I found is that if I touch the two wires together, my manual doorbell on the inside worked just fine. However when I pressed the button on the Ring, nothing would activate the inside Man your doorbell. What I did was go into the app device settings for the device and you will find the In Home Chime settings. Once I did this, it worked like a charm. Hope this helps someone. It was notin documentation nor did the Ring customer service rep advised that when I called in.


    27-05-2020 07:58:34


      Brahman: thanks for your input. To be clear, what we have been talking about is Ring Video Door Bell 2 - which does not have as home chime setting in the app. So your fix does not apply to Ring Video Door Bell 2. Thanks


      27-05-2020 09:45:43


      Hi neighbors! Thank you for working together to improve operation between your Video Doorbell and existing chime kits. As mentioned prior in this thread, the best first steps are checking the transformer power output, wire gauge (not too thin), and type of chime kit. It's always good to start by ensuring the chime kit you are using is on our [Chime Compatibility list](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/209028546-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro-Chime-Kit-Compatibility-List). If your transformer is 8 to 24 VAC, the wiring is not too thing or corroded, and the chime is compatible, your Video Doorbell should certainly be operating this upon button press. Although and 8 to 24 VAC transformer is sufficient, the age of the transformer as well as the rating or power requirements for the chime kit in use are also worth considering. Feel free to include pictures of your wiring if you've confirmed all of the above are sufficient, and your chime kit is still not ringing. We're happy to assist! :)


      01-06-2020 05:34:32


      MARLEY: Thanks for you contribution. Can you please explain to me how my existing mechanical chime can be actived with the Ring Video Door Bell 2 when the contact terminals on the back of the ring do not "make" when the button is depressed. For the moment, forget wire size, voltage etc and just address the fact that the terminals do not connect when depressing the ring button - essentially doing the same thing as touching the wires together - which does activate my internal chime. Also please note that I am speaking of vintage 2019 Ring Video Door bell 2 ( I have two of them) - not to be confused with other models that actually do have terminals that connect when the button is activated. And note that I have eliminated the issue of the backing plate not making contact with the main device.


      01-06-2020 10:05:12


      Going into the device settings worked for me as well. Apparently it is not a direct physical connection between the ring button and the leads to the original doorbell. I can't believe Ring doesn't point this out in their quick start guide. I was ready to take the dorrbell back to Best Buy and try something else.


      31-10-2020 11:31:05


      I am having a hard time understanding what you mean by “it it is not a direct physical connection”. Are you implying that the connection magically jumps through the air? Changing the device settings has been posted many times. However it does not apply to ring video doorbell 2 As there is not an option in the device settings to change.


      31-10-2020 11:52:18

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