Ring Video Doorbell

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Ring Pro doorbell seems to be rebooting after a button press/ring event

I have a Ring Pro doorbell, and wasn't able to view the video feed after a recent doorbell press. Reviewing logs on my home network (Fingbox), it looks like the camera is going offline for ~10 minutes about once a week, presumably after a button press. The inside chime is still ringing, it's just followed by the camera rebooting. When I open the Ring app, the thumbnail shows the person who rang the doorbell, so the doorbell starts uploading before the reboot (maybe from the motion as they walked up). I had a problem a couple of years ago, where the doorbell wasn't reliably ringing my mechanical doorbell, so I upgraded my transformer to a 30VA unit. As far as I know, the mechanical chime is reliable, it's just the doorbell rebooting that sometimes happens. While testing the unit, things worked every time, so this is definitely sporatic; I'd seen some alerts from Fingbox, but didn't pay that much attention, and didn't realize how often it was happening, until missing this today. I read some comments on the Ring community on Reddit, mentioning an internal battery that isn't user servicable. Anyone having similar issues?




20-04-2020 12:45:33

Responses (5)

  • C

    Hey @just1Rick. Thank you so much for detailing your experience! At this time I highly recommend to give our support team a call [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372-Get-in-Touch) to address this with them so that you do not run into any issues down the road.


    21-04-2020 12:32:01

    • G

      I am currently having the same issue with my Ring Doorbell Pro. The reboot on button press started happening after about 2 years after the doorbell was installed. Things I tried: - Replacing the Ring power adapter attached to the mechanical chime - Replacing the doorbell transformer with a 30vA version Neither of these resolved the issue. I called Ring support and they told me I needed to replace the doorbell. They said it's out of warranty so I would just have to buy a new one. They promised to send a 35% off coupon code, which they never did. Ultimately, the way I fixed it was by turning off the mechanical chime trigger. In the Ring app, go to Settings for the doorbell, Device Settings \> General Settings \> Doorbell Chime Type and set it to none. This should allow the doorbell to function without rebooting. To know when someone rang the bell, I setup my Amazon Echos to play a chime with the doorbell button is pressed. This is done via the Alexa app, by adding the Ring skill. Once the skill is enabled, the Alexa app should detect the doorbell and add it as a device. Then go under Devices \> All Devices and find the doorbell device. Tap on ito open the settings and enable Doorbell Press Announcements. If you have an Echo Show, it will actually pull up a live camera feed from the doorbell when someone rings it, which is great. Ring also sells wireless chimes that plugs in to an outlet. That may work as a replacement for the mechanical chime, but I didn't try that. Ultimately, the 'fix' is turning off the setting for the Ring doorbell to trigger the mechanical chime and use another method to be notfied when the button is pressed.


      02-12-2020 11:15:33

      • A

        Hi folks. I'm glad someone posted this and sad to hear the solution is replace the device. My ring pro started failing with the mechanical chime after about 3 years - oddly enough it failed right around the same time as the OP. I also tried replacing the transformer and the power adapter with no luck. It still works with the replacement ring chime, which oddly enough also failed at the same time this issue started. Seems like the devices should last more than 3 years, but what do I know.


        21-05-2021 04:06:35

        • D

          My Ring Doorbell Pro has been working fine for almost 6 years, but I'm now experiencing the symptons described here. The first button press will now not register, the doorbell will go into a white circling reboot - no sound, no chime, but seems to mostly work the 2nd time, 3rd time.... very annoying. The doorbell itself will not sound nor my mechanical chime. I thought this might be some power issue as when I first got the device I did have to upgrade the transformer, but testing it with a simple multimeter it seems to be delivering 17v as required and the device status shows good. Perhaps it isn't delivering the required current but have no way of easily testing that. In any case saw gpnagy's post about changing the doorbell chime type to none, tried that and now it works again the first time everytime (well obviously without mechanical chime). I've also now hooked it up to our Echo Show so that provides the audible chime now. So although I think something is indeed broken, there is a workaround. Perhaps it really is a power problem where a new transformer would fix it, but for now changing the chime to none seems to work.


          22-10-2023 07:37:11

          • S

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            21-11-2023 07:38:09

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