Ring Security Cameras
Floodlights turn on in daylight
My floodlights turn on in daylight when motion is detected, despite it being stated in Help Center lights will only turn on in darkness.
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19-06-2020 02:25:28
Responses (24)
- C
Hey @AVSIII. Is this for the Floodlight Wired, Floodlight Battery, Floodlight Solar, of the Floodlight Camera? In addition, does this happen multiple times in the day, at certain times, or just once and has yet to happen again?
19-06-2020 03:08:22
AI have the wire floodlight cam. It happens starting about 5 PM (I live in the NE and it is light until 8:30 PM) and continues until it is dark. Yes it has happened again. It has been happening for several months and is very annoying, not to mention a waste of electricity.
20-06-2020 06:05:21
JI have the same problem. Just had my system installed this week and the wired flood lights come on if they detect motion during the daylight.
07-12-2020 02:55:42
HOn the app, you go to the Settings of that light, not the setting of the Group, and it has the light options to turn on/off the light sensor and adjust the light sensibility. If you turn off the light sensor, the light will can be turned on at daytime. If it turned off, the light can be turned on at dark and then you can adjust the light sensitivity.
07-12-2020 04:02:42
MThe manual "lights" control is the control that appears above the Motion Alerts toggle on your device's main menu in the Ring app. Toggle this control to manually turn the floodlights on (blue) and off (white). Note: This control overrules any other setting or controls that are set with the Ring app.
09-12-2020 09:42:34
BUPDATE: I think I know whats happening. My doorbell was linked to activate my floodlight, it tells it to record, but I also noticed it said to turn the light on. when i clicked on the light, there was this schedule from 6pm to 8am. I noticed it happening this morning too. I told it to only record, and not turn the light on as well, and it fixed the problem. So many weird rules that can get hidden and overlapped.
28-05-2021 01:55:52
- N
In the setting for your lights there is a Light schedule, may try adjusting it. You can set specify times or say dusk to dawn.
19-06-2020 03:09:33
- N
I have the same exact problem and nothing anyone said will fix the issue. I’m super unhappy that I bought the expensive wired one if it will come on during the day. I only need it at night time! ?
10-12-2020 02:13:47
- W
Hello If you have more tan one flood light camera and you linked them go into linked devices tab. Once there click on the light that is linked to the camera that is turning on. Once there you can adjust the time period that the lights that are linked turn on. You have to adjust this as we progress through the seasons spring into summer for me in Ohio the turn on time will actually be 9pm because we are on the most western part of the eastern time zone. Of course in the fall it needs to be turned back to 5pm. Hope this helps.
13-04-2021 11:38:58
PThanks, I totally forgot about this setting. It'd be nice if this would support setting it from dusk to dawn instead of just static times.
14-04-2021 07:10:02
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Hi neighbors. The lights on your Floodlight Cam should come on when motion is detected as long as it is dark enough outside. Even if the sun has not fully set, if it is dark enough around the Camera, the lights will come on with motion detection. As for [Light Schedules](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360058421812-How-to-Use-Security-Camera-Light-Schedules-), these can be set at the device level as well as at the [Light Group](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024055772-Grouping-Multiple-Smart-Lights-in-the-Ring-App) level. If you experience any problems with your Light Schedules, try removing them at both the device level and the group level so you can start fresh. If you use [Alexa Routines](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360031606811-Creating-a-Routine-with-Alexa-and-your-Ring-Device-), make sure you do not have any Routines that may conflict with the Light Schedule in your Ring app. Should you have persistent concerns with your Light Schedules or the lights on your Floodlight Cam not working correctly, it may require a more in-depth look from our support team to narrow down the cause. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.
08-12-2022 06:59:59