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Schlage Connect Smart Deadbolt, Z-Wave Plus Enabled

I was thinking about purchasing this lock and connecting it with my Ring Alarm: []( Have others successfully gotten this to work with their alarm? What functionality does it have with the Ring alarm? What are the problems you have encountered with it? Any advise/guidance would be appreaciated. Thx!




30-12-2019 06:27:38

Responses (2)

  • C

    Hi @CrazyCat! For this particular lock, I have a family member that was able to set it up quickly and smoothly, and they love it! You can learn more about the features you will have with the lock [here]( Perhaps some other neighbors that have this lock chime in! :smiley_cat:


    30-12-2019 07:24:44


      Can you set it up so when you set Ring alarm to Away that it automatically locks the door? Also does ring base station support two locks of same type? Like front and back door


      30-12-2019 10:13:21


      @CrazyCat You can have exactly that feature with this lock! Learn more about it [here]( In addition, you can add as many locks as you'd like, as long as you don't go over the limit of 99 devices, as the Ring Alarm Base Station can handle no more than 99 devices. :wink:


      30-12-2019 10:19:24

  • D

    I have been unable to set up multiple phones to integrate a single Schlage Encode into the Ring App. I set my phone up just fine, but I am the "owner" of the Schlage account. I have others set up as admins but they integrations won't work. Note this requires the use of Amazon Key which will only allow the "owner" of the lock to integrate. This may be user error but i'm 5 days into trying to figure this out and just warning you in case this is something you want to do.


    31-12-2019 06:41:39


      @dekoman did you have the z wave model of this lock or some other schlage smart lock?


      31-12-2019 02:29:26


      It was another Schlage smart lock series known as Encode which is wifi direct (not Z-Wave or Zigbee) , but the problem seemed to be app related which i believe is the same Schlage app the other series use. I'm no expert here but just wanted you to know so you aren't surprised as I was. I'm still working to figure this out because it makes no sense. I'm now researching to see if adding a hub of some kind might be a better option. Also looking to see if Kwikset is a better option.


      31-12-2019 02:34:57


      I don't think the z wave ones would have this problem since they only work with Ring Alarm base station. There are no other accounts in the mix. With that said, really appreciate your reply! Made me do more research to make sure I'm not buying a useless device.


      31-12-2019 02:49:30


      I installed one of these locks. Wanted to share an issue I had in case others had it. When I tried to setup my device it didn't properly complete connecting to the base station (I realized it was too far away). Make sure your alarm base station is within 6ft of the lock when setting it up, otherwise things will get really screwed up. (I found this to be true for many z-wave device set ups) I had to use "Remove Failed Device" to get the lock out of the device list. Once it was out I setup the lock again. The Lock instructions state to click the button inside the lock to "enroll" the device - Don't do that! Instead unhook the battery before setup and when you get to the setup screen for the lock the Ring app will tell you to connect the battery. Connecting the battery will automatically start the setup process. This took me several hours to figure out so wanted to share to save others from wasting their time.


      18-01-2020 06:20:27


      One last question about this lock: Is there a way to have the lock auto-lock when a person arms the alarm via a keypad? And have the lock auto-unlock when a person disarms via keypad? I know typing in the code directly into the lock will arm/disarm the Ring Alarm and lock/unlock the lock - but I want to go the other direction. I want to make sure when I leave out the front that all of the other doors are auto-locked.


      22-01-2020 05:49:05

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