Ring Video Doorbell
Security screw is stuck
One of my security screws on my ring doorbell is stuck, so I can’t remove and charge the device. I’ve tried spraying some WD40 on there, but the bit just starts to break off/strip. Any other ways to get this out?
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02-12-2019 12:49:35
Responses (15)
- T
I have the screw driver that came with my ring doorbell. Got the 1 screw out just fine, the other one just spins and spins. Tried to get a pair of plyers on it, but it's so small I can't all I need to do is to get to the back of it to change my wifi. Been working on it for a full day. Need help
19-03-2020 09:38:43
MHi @turtlehopper81! Excellent call trying the pliers to remove that screw. If it is too small to grab with pliers, try using a rubber band to both pull and turn the screw. If this concern persists, please reach out to our [support team](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372-Get-in-Touch) for more solutions, or check back here for any advice from other neighbors. :)
20-03-2020 05:30:14
SHow about manufacturing screws that can withstand being screwed out?? That would be a good solution. This is a security device. Having shoddy screws is just so disappointing, if not ridiculous.
30-04-2020 08:59:14
MPurchased RING.... It was delivered on 4/21/20, installed on 4/29/20. Installation was quick and easy. Received notification of low battery on 5/7/20. One of the security screws will not come out! It only turns. I’ve tried using a rubber band, exacto knife, and pliers (no grip), I’ve been back-and-forth with this thing since 5/7/20, 5/8/20, and AGAIN at 2:30am on 5/9/20. I guess it’s making up for the easy installation. .Need an solution from Customer Support ASAP.
09-05-2020 07:27:05
CI own the Ring 1st generation. I now am experiencing the exact same problem. I have even tried using a precision screwdriver set to remove the screws. Neither one will budge. The design is flawed, and Ring (now owned by Amazon) will probably not do a thing for the customers in this position. I will not be renewing my Ring subcription because all I have at this point is a fancy doorbell that just rings.
10-05-2020 04:17:57
EI have a 1st Generation Ring Doorbell, and I am now having the exact same problem everyone above has mentioned. One of the security screws comes out just fine, but the other screw just keeps spinning and spinning. I have even tried some WD-40 at the base of the screw in hopes that it will loosen it up. It's nearly impossible to to put anything at the base of the screw to try and hold it while unscrewing. It would be nice if Ring could acknowledge this issue, try to recreate the problem on a test unit, then come up with some solution to fix it. I don't need it to be a free fix or a replacement device. I would just settle for some "tips" to make removing the screw easier.
14-05-2020 01:04:44
- M
i have just had the same problem. heres what you do. once you get it off [the little arm didnt break much] take a small screwdriver and apply pressure to the other end of the screw while loosening it. it will come out and can still hold your ring in place.
03-06-2020 08:31:06
- R
I'm having the same problem! Now my doorbell is barely hanging on to the mount. I'm pretty upset considering I haven't even had it a year and I paid over $100 for the thing.
18-01-2021 04:55:55
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Seems this is common problem - wish I read about before I bought it (1st gen Ring) - I just had the same problem - I had to dremel a slot to get the screws out and then used a flat head screw driver. -- I did this AFTER i cut the 4 screws off the frame -- since I was getting ready to throw the thing away -- They sell a replacement kit on Amazon.. Poor Design
02-12-2019 10:13:56