Ring Video Doorbell
Ring Pro too much voltage?
Ring Pro powered by Ring Plugin Adapter died, unable to enter setup, only half circle, with bottom section flashing. Contacted Ring and they sent a replacement Ring Pro, installed it only go have the same result as the original, halfcircle lit with bottom section flashing. Measured the power at the doorbell and get 27VAC, which seems to be too much since it needs 16-24VAC. Power Adapter says to connect directly to Ring Pro.
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01-08-2020 07:14:26
Responses (1)
- P
I'm not useing doorbell power, I'm using the Ring Plug-in Adapter purchased directly from Ring. That article is for bypassing doorbell power.
04-08-2020 04:53:00
MYou are correct, @phox\_mulder! The power supply you are using (Plug-In Adapter) is a direct connection, and does not require the Pro Power Kit. In that case, let's disregard that bypass article and try another outlet in the home. I recommend also swapping the wires on the terminals on back of the Doorbell Pro. This should not make a difference, but could result in a more secure connection between wire and terminal. Ultimately, if you are using our Plug In Adapter on a recently replaced Doorbell Pro, it should be powering up. After waiting sometime, if the device does not power up and complete a setup in the Ring app, it may require a more in depth look from our support team. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support.
05-08-2020 08:29:02
PAfter much research, I discovered I needed to let the Ring Pro charge it's internal backup battery(?), so I let it sit for half an hour and was able to complete the setup on the replacement, and it seems to be working great. Thank you for the help though.
05-08-2020 08:38:57
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Hi @phox\_mulder! Have you also connected the Pro Power Kit within your wiring configuration? If not, check out our [help center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005974466-How-to-Bypass-your-Internal-Doorbell-with-the-Pro-Power-Kit-V2-for-Ring-Video-Doorbell-Pro-) for steps on installing. I recommend also ensuring the power supply is rated for 8 to 24 VAC. I hope this helps! :)
03-08-2020 11:20:12