Ring Video Doorbell
Removable battery - Doorbell 2nd generation?
Is it possible to remove/replace the battery? All the referencees I've seen do not show the version with 2 security screws but only one screw which releases the faceplate. Seems to me that I have to remove the whole device from the wall frame to recharge the battery. True or false?
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28-09-2020 10:37:50
Responses (7)
- C
> @Tom\_Ring wrote: > > Hi @Castalla. The Ring Video Doorbell Generation 2 does not have a removable battery. Our Ring Video Doorbell 3/3 Plus are our models that have removable batteries. The only way to charge the Ring Video Doorbell Generation 2, is to move it from its mounting location and charge it. I hope this information helps > > > > Hmm. You really ned to update your documentation to emphasise this. In fact, overall, your operatng instructions, etc. need a severe makeover where many features are unclear.
30-09-2020 02:42:12
THi @Castalla. The features and specifications for the Ring Video Doorbell Generation 2 can be found [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360041190711-Ring-Video-Doorbell-2nd-Generation-Information). I will be sure to pass this along to the appropriate team, and mention your request to be more clear about the wording in this document. Thank you, as I'm sure this may help others in the future.
30-09-2020 08:30:07
- M
I wish to agree with the comment about misleading information vis a vis whether the Ring series 2 has a removable battery. I have purchased a spare battery because I read that the battery in this model is replaceable (which it ought to be) but is clearly NOT so I have wasted almost £20! Not happy
02-04-2021 05:49:45
THi @Mikelauro. It sounds like you may have 2 of our Ring Video Doorbells mixed up. The Ring Video Doorbell 2 does have a removable battery. This doorbell is also no longer available for purchase and has been replaced with the Ring Video Doorbell 3. The Ring Video Doorbell 2nd generation (2020 release) does not have a replaceable battery. To find out which Doorbell you have, take a look at this Help Center article [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057317451-How-to-Find-Out-What-Ring-Doorbell-or-Security-Camera-You-Have-and-Get-the-Right-Accessories-). I hope this information helps!
05-04-2021 08:49:29
- U
I'm really unhappy with my purchase of a ring doorbell (2020 release) the battery is not replaceable and I'm 76. I live alone and I'm not capable of removing the camera to recharge the battery. I would not have purchased this unit if I would have known the battery isn't replaceable. What can I do to fix this. I have had this unit 4 days now
28-06-2022 02:37:21
THi @user15880. I would suggest looking at the return policy from where you purchased the Ring Video Doorbell from. If you are able to return it, you can purchase a doorbell that is better suited to your needs.
29-06-2022 05:29:38
JYou guys have to understand how having a doorbell called "Ring Video Doorbell 2" and "Ring Video Doorbell 2nd Generation" can easily confuse the average consumer, yeah? Heck, I consider myself pretty tech savvy but, now I have to return two rechargeable batteries and a charging station. I assumed that 2nd generation and 2 were the same when shopping online, and there was no clear indication otherwise. It's usually clearer that it's a new generation of the same model. For example, "Ring Video Doorbell 1 (2nd gen.)" would probably resolve the mix-up for most people.
19-02-2023 05:38:56
- R
I agree the Ring Doorbell 2 and Ring Doorbell (2nd Gen) are super confusing! Why doesn't RING mark Clearly on the OUTSIDE of the box. NON-Removable Battery!! I bought one also and shit! it was for my daughter and she has to remove screws to remove the damn unit every time to charge it! WTF! Who's great idea was this! Fire him or her or the Manager that approved this and the damn naming convention! Even when shopping online, there is wording that suggests that the battery is re-chargeable (but they don't say, you have to remove the whole device each time!) Please forward this to your upper management! WE HATE THIS!!! BE CLEAR on RETAIL BOXES and on the Descriptions you provide online merchants!! Ring Doorbell 2 (2nd Gen? Why not just call it Ring doorbell 2 - Non-Removable batter version!!
16-11-2022 08:26:30
- R
I agree the Ring Doorbell 2 and Ring Doorbell (2nd Gen) are super confusing! Why doesn't RING mark Clearly on the OUTSIDE of the box. NON-Removable Battery!! I bought one also and shit! it was for my daughter and she has to remove screws to remove the damn unit every time to charge it! WTF! Who's great idea was this! Fire him or her or the Manager that approved this and the damn naming convention! Even when shopping online, there is wording that suggests that the battery is re-chargeable (but they don't say, you have to remove the whole device each time!) Please forward this to your upper management! WE HATE THIS!!! BE CLEAR on RETAIL BOXES and on the Descriptions you provide online merchants!! Ring Doorbell 2 (2nd Gen? Why not just call it Ring doorbell 2 - Non-Removable batter version!!
16-11-2022 08:26:30
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Hi @Castalla. The Ring Video Doorbell Generation 2 does not have a removable battery. Our Ring Video Doorbell 3/3 Plus are our models that have removable batteries. The only way to charge the Ring Video Doorbell Generation 2, is to move it from its mounting location and charge it. I hope this information helps
29-09-2020 11:07:08