Ring Video Doorbell
Possible Ring Pro install without prior wired doorbell?
Hello! The subject explains the jist of it. I bought a pro after I confirmed with my landlord that the rental had an existing doorbell and that it was wired. It seems that it is not wired at all. :( So, is there a way to set up the pro with out an existing wiring system? Ive been reading about the transformers you can plug into an outlet. Is this feasable? Anyone have experience with this? If so please advise. I love the always recording option of the pro and the two way talk so that is the reason I bought it. If running the pro wont work with out a wired system I hope I am still abel to return the item and deal with out the two way talk and constant feed.
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21-09-2019 04:23:45
Responses (1)
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Glad you asked @Eden ! Yes, you certainly can install a Video Doorbell Pro without existing wiring. You would want to check out our Plug in adapters [here](https://shop.ring.com/collections/accessories/products/plug-in-adapter) For more insight on how to accomplish this, [here is our article on installing the Pro with the Plug in adapter](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000081706-Installing-Your-Ring-Plug-in-Adapte). Hope this helps! :)
23-09-2019 09:27:15