Ring Video Doorbell

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Motion Alerts Inconsistent

We have the motion zone on our Doorbell Pro configured to include our driveway. We have noticed that it alerts when we back out of our garage into the driveway (that is expected). However, there is no alert, it is not triggered, when we pull into the driveway. The only time it did so was at night, and I suspect it was because of the headlights triggering the motion detection. However, we had a delivery driver pull into the driveway at night, which did not alert the system. The driver got out of the car and walked to the front door, which also did not alert the system. We only received an alert when the delivery person rang the doorbell. This is not what we expected and not what we desired from the system. It should be alerting when someone pulls into our driveway, based on how we have the motion zones set. Cars passing the house at night (headlights on) often (though not always) trigger the alerts as well. Any suggestions?




23-12-2019 08:00:34

Responses (9)

  • W

    Bumping, hoping for some help! Can't understand why backing out of the garage would trigger the motion sensor, but pulling into the driveway would not. Motion zone is covering the whole driveway. It's almost more important for it to trigger when someone pulls into the driveway, than when we back out of the garage into the driveway. Any help?


    24-12-2019 06:40:41


      Bumping because we have the exact same issue and it’s super frustrating. What good is catching cars passing by if we can’t get an alert for someone entering our driveway (other than us backing out)?!


      25-12-2019 03:53:35


      Hey neighbors! The best way to fine-tune motion detection is through trial and error. As each environment differs from the next and areas can change from day time to night time, it's best to make adjustments to settings until motion is working as desired. Many neighbors find use out of the sensitivity slider and the "people only" setting. This will assist if vehicle traffic is setting off motion too often. I recommend also using all 3 available zones to draw. Having multiple zones versus one big zone can emphasize movement across each zone. Keep in mind not to overlap any zones as this could affect detection as well. I hope this helps! :)


      25-12-2019 04:55:29


      I certainly understand trial and error. We've been doing exactly that. It still doesn't address the situation where the motion is detected when we back out of the garage, but it's not detected when we pull into the driveway. Both actions are within the zone.


      25-12-2019 05:49:49


      Agreed. I don’t mind that it picks up vehicles passing - I personally want that - and I have all my zones enabled with the range bubble well exceeding where I want motion picked up in my driveway. The ring doesn’t seem to “see” any vehicle pulling into the driveway, regardless of how sensitive and how large a field I choose.


      25-12-2019 06:05:15


      If you have People Only mode turned on it only detects people and not cars (unless people get out of cars)


      26-12-2019 04:52:17

  • B

    We are having the same issue. No alert is received when someone pulls into our driveway or walks up to our door. Only get an alert when someone rings the doorbell. Not what we were expecting when we purchased this. Frustrated! Any suggestions greatly appreciated. Thank you.


    06-04-2020 10:50:00


      Exact same issue! My wife leaves for work it goes off. When she comes home nothing. She opens the garage doore and pulls in, no alerts. I can walk to the mailbox from the front door and the door bell cam will go off and spotlight cam driveway will as well. when you walk back up nothing. While I appreciate the updates and new technology... I don't want to be the test monkey at the expense of my protection. These updates should work when rolled out. IMO I should note they did work prior to all of the updates so if the RING advisors could let us know how to manipulate the new settings that would be great. I have tried all kinds of different adjustments with no luck.


      21-04-2020 01:34:40


      Hey @KP6Five and @Babw. Have you tried playing around with your Motion Wizard settings? Sometimes you need to readjust these every so often to ensure the configuration is up to date and as it should be. In addition, do you have motion frequency set to frequent or standard? Sometimes on standard, if there was a recent motion event, the next motion event that may follow right after it may not happen since the device has been "snoozed" from a recent event triggering it on. I say to play around with the Motion Wizard settings, test our new motion verification (on or off) if you have it available, and turning your Motion Frequency to frequent!


      21-04-2020 06:12:08


      Hi my Ring doorbell pro was working perfectly i had the zones set up to cover the area needed and put it on people only mode. It would pick up everything n the area selected for example people walking past or up to door and cars pulling up too plus when somebody opened front door etc. Since the app locked me out of my phone and tablet about 10 days ago motion detection barely works anymore. It misses most people coming to door so pointless as a security doorbell now.


      21-04-2020 08:38:41


      I am having the same issues. I have the zone set to the end of my yard and I see alot of things where people are running thru it, etc. And it used to go off then I had this issue with it kicking me out of my account and now that I'm back in it only goes off half the time.


      21-04-2020 08:45:00


      Same issues. I work off the battery and I was working fine for about 8 month then they updated the software and now it will detect a car a long way off down the street moving but nothing at the doorstep. I have all the settings set to minimum and it still triggers falsely. Originally Ring swapped out my bell saying it was because my battery was playing up. Didnt make any difference initially but meanwhile they updated the software a week later and I was back to a few weeks. Last update took me right back to the start. I think they know there is an issue but they are unwilling as they want to keep rolling out the new functions and want to get people to install direct wired. The problems not as simple as that as the flaws are in the detection as you all mention.


      22-04-2020 09:53:46

  • M

    No suggestions. But I'll say ME TOO!! My Ring Pro will pick up rapid cloud cover on a sunny day. It will pick up a cat walking to my porch in the early morning or night. It will pick up the shadows on the wall from my tree on a windy day. But occasionally it won't pick up a delivery in the day or me going outside to pick it up later in the evening.


    14-06-2020 06:07:45


      I saw this, and _had_ to reply! There have been times when we could not determine what set off the alert. But with your post about shadows from branches or clouds passing overhead, I'm sure that's what it was on the occasions we couldn't see anything else. Yesterday, I forgot to take it off People Only mode before I left the house in the early afternoon to run an errand. While it alerted when I pulled out of the garage to leave, it did not alert when I pulled into the driveway and garage upon returning. That's when I checked and saw that I forgot to take it off People Only. So, going back to one of my original questions: The system sees my car pulling out of the garage as a person and therefore alerts. But, it doesn't see my car pulling into the driveway or garage as a person? Strange. And repeating myself, the reason we even have it on People Only after dark is that otherwise, it will pick up the headlights of every passing car. Having to switch the mode twice a day - every day - is tiresome and sometimes I forget.


      14-06-2020 10:22:25

  • J

    Similar issue here. I have gone through the wizard several time to tweak the settings. My Ring 2 will pick up the occasional delivery truck passing by (my street is about 50 feet from the door), but will NOT pick up cars pulling INTO the driveway! I'm more concerned with who pulls up to my house than who rides by! I think I should try a different product in the future, as Ring doesn't seem to want to fix these problems.


    15-06-2020 02:18:50


      Yes! Same thing happened with my Ring as well. It picks up cars going by but will not pick up cars pulling in my driveway; however, it did pick up my wife’s car backing out of the garage yesterday. The bad thing is that the street is NOT in the detect zone but my driveway is! I’ve been tweaking the motion zones and moving the motion sensitivity up and down and just when I think it’s working it does the same crap. What’s the purpose of configuring all these zones when it does the opposite of what you want it to do?


      26-02-2022 02:58:56

  • E

    Same problem here. My stick up cam can’t detect my car when i pull into the driveway. Customer service can’t solve my problem.


    10-01-2021 04:10:14

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