Ring Security Cameras
Snapshot download
Is there a way to select a still from a video capture, and the download it? When I review a video capture, and find a spot to capture a snapshot, on the bottom it says “more”. When I click on more, then click on snapshot, then it says “saved”, but it doesn’t tell you where you saved it to.
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06-11-2021 02:05:46
Responses (2)
- J
Trouble is that if you select a snapshot and click share, it will share the entire video clip, not the snapshot. If you click on download, it doesn’t tell you where it is saved to.
09-11-2021 01:59:39
C@JJD66 Have you checked the file storage on your phone? Typically photos and videos are saved to the camera roll depending on what type of phone you have, or there may be a separate area that downloads are saved it. It depends on how the storage is set up on your phone.
09-11-2021 07:30:26
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Good question! To download a snapshot, follow these instructions: * Open your Ring App. * On your Dashboard screen, tap on a snapshot from the device which you want to view your snapshots. * Tap Devices. * Scroll to the left to see the various snapshots. * Place the playhead (vertical play line indicator) on the section that you want to download * Tap Share on the bottom left * You'll have the option to share to social media sites or download. * Tap the gray Download icon on the bottom right. This will download to the mobile device file storage that is being used to perform this operation. You can also download entire videos to your mobile device. I hope this helps! :)
08-11-2021 03:33:40