Ring Security Cameras
All of a sudden my Ring Floodlight light is sensitive
I have had the ongoing issue of my Ring Floodlight cam being set off by car headlights that are not in my motion zones but NOW, within the past couple of weeks those headlights are triggering my light to come on too. I have done nothing different with my cam or motion zones. It also picks up white vehicles (during the day) that drive by my house and are not in one of my motion zones. I am so completely aggravated by this Floodlight/Cam. I moved to lowest sensitivity to no avail. I don't even have the light zone closest to the street turned on. The most awesome thing of all is that when I pull into my driveway, where a motion zone IS, the light doesn't turn on until I walk on to my deck. What gives Ring?
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13-10-2021 01:27:49
Responses (112)
- R
I've got the same issue. All fine for years then 3 days ago lights get triggered. Speaking to advance team firmware updates when out recently.... This needs to be investigated..
16-10-2021 06:58:36
KIs flipping the light switch off good enough for ‘disconnecting power’? I have a feeling this will be a huge waste of time.
17-10-2021 06:59:36
KTom as expected, no change. Seems I’m not the only one with this issue. Perhaps time for Ring to figure out what they did to start this mess…and undo it. Wish I had a count of how often my lights went on last night. Ridiculous.
18-10-2021 10:38:54
JUpdates? Your solution did not work and support is no help. Nearing a month without any solution.
04-11-2021 03:41:13
- M
Yeah, mine in the past week, the lights have been coming back on after going off and continue to do this all night unless I disable the lights. It doesn't align to cars driving by, the house next to mine is abandoned, so no weird heat signatures, my dryer vent is on the other side of the house and it comes on when there is no HVAC running. It functioned fine before, now it doesn't. The only way I've found to fix it is to pull the distance back to a practically useless level. It wasn't like this before, it just started this past week. If there was a recent firmware update then congrats, you took a decent product and made it worse.
17-10-2021 03:33:33
- K
I tried rebooting, and still the same issue. Even if I turn all of the light zones off, the lights still trigger on with headlights. I now disable the lights at night. What a useless piece of equipment.
17-10-2021 06:57:55
- R
All of sudden since 15-10-2021 (UK), my ring floodlight is picking up cars and people outside the zone. It clearly aggravates the neighbours to have a spotlight on at every motion. 1) Turn off power for 30 mins - failed 2) Factory reset - failed 3) Motion zones applied - failed 4) Decreased sensitivity - failed 5) Turn off zones - failed 6) Checked for latest software 7) Set to go off at people only - not really what I wanted and as it's taken so long won't be able to test until tonight. So was a new software released and my wired floodlight picked it up. The light even went off after a car had exited the zone ! My choices seem to be turn it off all together or buy a Google brand. Any help would be good. Worked perfectly before so why all of a sudden do I have to go through all of this ?
18-10-2021 06:37:58
- M
Yes I have the exact same issue here in California. Out of the blue the floodlight turns on with every passing car ALL NIGHT LONG. It never did that before and I haven't changed anything. This is the second recent software glitch in the past 2 weeks. Ring must have done something but no one knows.
18-10-2021 08:06:49
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Hi @Kk78. Here's a few thing you can try. First, power cycle the device by disconnecting it from power for at least 5 mins, then restore power. Once the Floodlight Cam is back online, perform a reboot. You do that by pressing and holding the setup button for 20 seconds, then releasing. With that done, try testing the motion to see if it is working as it used to. Let me know if this helps!
15-10-2021 05:30:42