Ring App
406 Not Acceptable
Hi Team, I’m getting 406 Not Acceptable all of a sudden when visiting the ring site. Seems like I’m blacked. Can someone at Ring confirm? On cellular my connection is fine. Alan
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23-05-2020 12:32:32
Responses (14)
- J
I'm also getting this same error via the API: Request to https://app.ring.com/rhq/v1/devices/v1/locations failed with status 406. when I try to authenticate to ring.com to view my camera via the website I get an error stating "Invalid email or password." That's a misleading error, but I suspect it's generated for the same reason as the status 406 error. I know that my email and password aren't invalid, because when I try to authenticate via a different computer that's connected to my work VPN - and therefore using a different source ip address - I am able to autheniticate just fine and view my cameras via the website. The process I use to access via the API was stuck in a restart loop this morning, so my suspicion is that the restart loop called the ring API too many times in a short period and my IP address has been blacklisted from logging in. What I'm not able to determine is how long that blacklist will last, or even whether this theory is accurate about being blacklisted. It would be useful if someone here was able to confirm whether this is the case.
27-05-2020 07:59:39
MHi @jimcovert! The best next steps is to continue to test while the VPN is disabled or not a factor. Please also try another browser. If your mobile app is able to login and the browser is not, its always good to check for any additional security settings/ apps, or even connection concerns that might prevent the browser from completing this request. If this concern persists, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support. I hope this helps! :)
28-05-2020 10:38:48
JI was able to sign in after I waiting for the lockout/blacklist period to end. I think it was around 24 hours.
29-05-2020 12:50:46
CThanks @jimcovert - we'll get this over to the team to take a further look into for you!
29-05-2020 10:40:39
JSame problem. It has been 48 hours and continue to receive "Not Acceptable" message. It appears to be that Ring has blacklisted my IP address. In addition to the App not functioning (and cameras not connecting), I am blocked from Ring.com. This is troublesome as a I have 7 Ring cameras. Telephone customer service has been of zero assistance.
07-06-2020 03:49:44
- D
I just had the exact same problem on my IPhone. It would not log in and when Ring sent me a password reset link, the browser on my IPhone said error 406 Not Acceptable. I checked to make sure Nord VPN was not running and it appeared that is was not, but when I went into settings - VPN, it showed that it was, in fact running despite rebooting my IPhone. The answer was to go into Settings - VPN - Nord Vpn - press the **i** for more information and then Delete the VPN. When I then tried to login to Ring - It worked!!
15-07-2020 10:18:03
UHoly Toledo this was my problem!! Was getting motion notifications but couldn't access any video in the app or live feeds. Tried reinstalling app and got the 406 error code which led me to you fine people. Turns out I had NORD VPN still running from like 5 days ago and completely forgot it was on. Now I can see my face in on my camera complete with a giant red palm print on it lolol Thank you all!
16-01-2025 05:43:28
- P
Hi there. I am getting the exact same problem. I do not use a VPN so that cannot be the issue. When I disconnect from wifi and use 4G I can log in to app. Using wifi does not allow me connect on any device tried - laptop, iPhone.
26-01-2021 10:10:33
- P
We’ve been having this issue for maybe a week now. Wi-Fi web browser (phone or computer) to ring.com and try to log in I get 406 not acceptable immediately Wi-Fi open either app (rapid ring or ring) get “unknown error” and streaming errors LTE web browser ring.com login works fine LTE apps work fine What is the fix? Just got off phone support and they said contact ISP and that Ring doesn’t have tools to unblock the IP... I work as a system’s administrator lol I know this is not true We also have spectrum internet
04-02-2021 01:05:07
- Y
I just got the 406 error when I went to turn out a light. Switching from LTE to wifi allowed me to refresh my session cookies and everything magically worked again on LTE. I understand why your session cookies are so strict. You're fighting scripts. Breaking the app though to fight scripts is incredibly dumb. Honestly it makes me want to return this equipment. What's the point of having a smart house if you can't log in and check it on your phone? Altogether I've spent a grand on this. And you block me? WTF
28-02-2021 07:02:36
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Hey @Aseb. Please ensure you do not have a VPN turned on when you are trying to access Ring.com. If you continue to have this concern, try clearing your cache and cookies and trying again. In the event you continue to get this error, please let me know what link you go to that does this, or what you do to on the site to cause this error. In addition, a screenshot of this error message and details on what computer/browser you are accessing this on will help! :)
25-05-2020 08:39:56