Ring Alarm
Can Ring alarm tell what door is opening?
My current alarm announces Front Door Open seems Ring is just a chime?
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13-01-2020 07:50:29
Responses (6)
- M
Just wanted to follow up with this and see if the panel has had any software update to allow it to identify what door has been opened.
14-06-2020 03:15:33
CHey @m3gsm. Thanks for checking in on this feature! This is still not a feature at this time, but we have allowed the Keypad to play chirp sounds since this was posted. You can utilize the Keypad to play the chirps that your Base Station plays. You can also change the chirps to be specific to a certain Contact Sensor by changing the sensor's Chirp Tone in the profile page for that sensor. While there is not a spoke "front door open," you can use the different Chirp Tones to help tell what door is opening.
15-06-2020 04:38:41
JVerbal announcements should really be a feature. For parents like me, I need to know what door/window is opening in the event one of my children is exiting. We have several openings that provide access to our pool and lake. Having a verbal announcement can save a life.
20-07-2020 03:33:47
B[@Chelsea\_Ring](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/13823) , [@ohiokdr](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/22707) , [@m3gsm](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/71392) , [@Socaldj1](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/25721) , @JE55ICA730 Here's a thought. It seems we all want more Alert/Chirp sounds to choose from. But instead of having Ring pick additional alert-sounds for us, would it be possible to add an alert/chirp sound called "Custom" and then provide a method for the user to "Import" a sound file into this custom slot? Even better, provide "Custom 1", "Custom 2", and Custom 3", etc. That way the user could import several different sounds according to their specific desires/needs. There are plenty of Sound Files that can be downloaded free off the internet. And you could even make your own alert-sound file or alert-voice recording too! I bet some people will make some funny/unique sound files to use as their custom alert-sounds! What do you think? :)
22-07-2020 10:11:54
CHey @Boone. We've definitely seen this suggestion before, so I'd recommend checking the [Feature Request](https://community.ring.com/t5/Feature-Request-Board/idb-p/Feature_Request_Board) board to see if it has been added there yet. This will help us to organize and share your requests with our teams here, as well as allow other neighbors to comment and add interest, all in one place. Feel free to link that post you make in the Feature Request board here so other neighbors that come to this thread can easily find your feature! :)
22-07-2020 03:58:11
- O
Since the Ring keypads and chimes will not verbally announce which contact sensor or motion detector is being tripped, I have programmed my Echo system to make the announcements for me. You can do this by building a Routine for EACH sensor and EACH Echo. I currently have 7 contact sensors installed and 6 Echos. I had to build 42 routines to allow each Echo to announce which of the 7 contact sensors were tripped. It is not an elegant solution, but it works.
21-01-2020 02:15:16
PWould you have a tutorial in how to emulate your idea? I agree with Other users, with toddlers in the home with a door to the pool it’s is absolutely a priority to be able to program Each sensor with its own custom voice name to report which sensor is Open/close.
30-08-2020 08:23:09
B[@Davisfs1](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/81002) and [@Principal](https://community.ring.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88531) , Make your **Vote** be heard. Below is a link to the _Feature Request Board_. **Ring teams review** this _Feature Request Board_ to see which are **highly desired features** that Ring Users would like to have added. If you like to have a **"Custom" Alert-Chirp sound** available with a simple method for the user **to "Import" a sound file** into this custom slot, then **click on the below link** and then **click on "Thumbs Up" Icon** at the beginning of the Feature Request thread. **The Ring teams** will notice and potentially **incorporate this feature** if this idea gets plenty of Thumbs Up. Then instead of just different & limited selection of current "Alert Tones" or "Chirp Alert" sounds, you could import a voice file, like "The Pool Gate is opened" or "The Front Door is opened" or "The Garage Door is open" or anything else you can think of, just by recording and import that file! :) [https://community.ring.com/t5/Feature-Request-Board/Custom-Alerts-Chirp-Sounds-selections/idi-p/4941...](https://community.ring.com/t5/Feature-Request-Board/Custom-Alerts-Chirp-Sounds-selections/idi-p/49415) I realize there are many similar posts, in several different area in this Community Forum, that ask for more Alert Tones/Chirp sounds selections. Hopefully link will help consolidate and present our unified desire. :)
01-09-2020 03:36:41
- S
Yes, we really need the verbal announcement of which door and window is open and not just chirps. It really helps and it can be an option, not default. People can choose what they prefer. We just got the Ring 2nd gen system. Replaced an ADT system and already missing the announcements. Please make it happen :)
08-09-2020 04:49:16
- D
I swapped from Vivint to ring due to the cost and effectiveness of the equipment. However, I've been surprised to see some simple features not available through ring security. The audible name of a location sensor seems obvious to me. I understand ring is still developing but here is my recommendation for a solution. Vivint runs an all in one panel which can cause problems when not operating well. However, the fact that it has a touch screen makes it great for controlling the system. It seems to me that ring had been trying to provide a solution with the echo show. I just purchased one and saw that I can now have the doorbell auto load on the screen when someone rings!!! Great work! So along this same thought, i see the echo show being the control hub (although seperate) for the security system. Although the panel may not be able to say front door open or garage window. It seems safe to say that the echo show or any echo device should be able to by enabling the skill feature and assigning what should be said. Hope this helps!
14-09-2020 03:59:58
- B
It is easy to setup any Alexa enabled speaker device(s) (ie: echo, show) to announce specific phrases based on which sensor is triggered and the open/closed state. For example, I have voice announcements triggered on a Show 5 located in our kitchen. It tells us things like "Front door is open", "Front door is closed", and with a smart lock... "Front door is unlocked", "Front door is now locked", "Front door lock is jammed", "Garage overhead door is open"... and so on. Refer to this video for tutorial... [https://youtu.be/qSaUmtZkpd0](https://youtu.be/qSaUmtZkpd0) AFAIK, there is still no Ring base station hook/feature to change the default light scheme based on sensor status, ie: if a door is open and the system is not in ready state. Seems Ring development is somewhat lazy about implementing easy features like this one which many people have asked for.
18-11-2020 07:08:53
MAs others have said, using Alexa will overcome the lack of Ring announcing which sensor is being tripped. But when you set up the routine (I.e. when the front door is open), the action should be "messaging" instead of "Alexa says" if you want multiple echo devices in your home to announce which sensor was tripped. I have 9 echo devices in my home and for each of my ring sensors, and each of my outdoor Arlo cameras, I only had to set up 1 routine each where 4 of the echo devices all make the announcement "Mike, the (front door, back door, master bedroom window, etc.) has been opened". Or "Mike, the front yard camera is detecting motion". You can even tell Alexa to show you the camera on a Show device when it detects motion. I dont use that feature as you have to tell Alexa to "stop" when you don't want to see that camera anymore. If you have battery operated cameras this will kill the battery. Works a charm! Plus you can disable any routine at any time if you are doing something like unloading the car and going in and out of one door many times. All you have to do is say "Alexa, disable the \*\*\*\*\*\* routine". For example "Alexa, disable to back door motion routine". Then when you are done just tell her to enable it again.
11-12-2020 02:16:06
DAnother option for those with only a few sensors, you can change the chime to a different one for each door.
19-12-2020 05:20:58
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Hi @Socaldj1. At this time the contact sensors will only chirp with different tones. Thank you for your feedback! I'll make sure to pass this onto the appropriate team for you.
14-01-2020 10:25:01