Ring Video Doorbell

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Accepted Solution
Ring Doorbell Pro constantly going offline but actually connected to Internet

Recently (about three days ago), my hard-wired Ring Doorbell Pro constantly goes offline. However, from my router, I can see the Doorbell has very good connection. It is assigned an IP address, and I can ping it. Also, all my other Ring Stick-up Cameras, which connect to the same Wifi, are online. What's more mysterious is that the Doorbell can continue to detect motion and respond to the button. And once it has detected motion or being pressed, it goes back online again. But, it goes offline after a few minutes. Is there a bug in Ring's server side that determines whether a device is online or not? Or is there a bug in the latest firmware?




05-09-2021 05:47:14

Responses (12)

  • M
    Accepted Solution

    Hi there, neighbors! We had our team look into this matter and any concerns related to a device showing offline when it is not, should be resolved. Please press the setup button on your Ring device to enter setup mode, then press it again to exit setup mode. This will allow it to reconnect and establish the connected status in your Ring app as intended, if it is not already. Alternatively, you can also follow the steps in this [Help Center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034825092-How-to-Reconnect-Your-Ring-Device-to-Wifi-or-Change-Your-Wifi-Network) to reconnect your Ring devices. I hope this helps! :slight_smile:


    13-09-2021 04:38:46


      Same issue here … signal good all other ring cameras stay connected … Battery doorbell pro constantly goes offline and asks me to reconnect .. issue has not been fixed on your end … noone wants to reconnect this thing 10 times a day


      18-08-2024 06:20:44


      Hi @user_aaa88f. The concern in this post is related to the Wired Doorbell Plus (formerly Doorbell Pro), which was a concern that was resolved. Any other concerns would be different, and it would be best to create a new post about them in the future. Try the following additional steps for your concern:    - Reboot your router.   - Verify your Doorbell has good signal strength.   This Help Center page has other steps you can try as well. If you have tried these steps and are still having the same concern, give our support team a call for further assistance.


      21-08-2024 05:36:23

  • M

    Thank you for sharing this experience with the Community, @user12! Whenever your device is not remaining connected, or is showing offline, the best first step is to check your wifi signal strength or [RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229). A device that is reporting offline or poor signal strength, and unable to connect to live view, might be too far from the router. Here are some other important things to consider: * Verify if motion events allow live video to connect. * Try out the Rapid Ring app to test live view. * Ensure your internet speeds are sufficient to provide not only Ring devices, but all of your devices with enough network resources. Feel free to confirm if other Ring devices are working as intended, or if a specific Ring device is having this concern. In the meantime, I will certainly pass this feedback along to our teams here for further investigation! :slight_smile:


    07-09-2021 06:52:00

    • T

      Hi, I am having exactly the same issue. Just started happening in the last week or so. Previously the device did not have any issues. When was the latest firmware pushed out?


      13-09-2021 02:12:33


        I am facing the same issue recently. Before the Ring Doorbell Pro had no issue. But now after reset, it is hard to connect to Ring Doorbell Pro’s wifi. Luckily when it connects and follows the setup for internet (Strong Wifi RSSI-28), it connects and after few minutes of firmware update it goes to “Offline” and doesn’t connect back.


        17-11-2021 05:29:06


        Same thing here! Both Video doorbells stopped connecting to wifi thats RIGHT INSIDE THE DOOR ABOUT 20 FEET! there are other stick up cams much further than these two. Theres something wrong in the latest firmware updat as per usual with Ring. They are sending an uodated model for one ofnthe two Video Doorbell 3s but I am really tired of the level of MAINTENANCE thwse devices require on thencunsumers part. The point of security system and its devices is to be able to rely on them and at this point they appear to be a waste of money. Cant detect a person right in front of it dropping off a package, but can see a person approaching to ring the bell whenever it feels like it. System is overall very unreliable.


        13-04-2023 01:20:38

    • 1

      I experienced this exact issue (doorbell is connected to wifi but keeps going offline). Automatically reconnects when motion is detected, but otherwise goes offline and indicates it’s not connected to wifi. Solve - i updated the app and the issue was corrected. Hope this can help others.


      31-01-2022 04:05:47


        How did you update the app I keep getting this happening 


        21-09-2024 08:09:28

    • U

      I get it going offline when the WiFI signal has issues but why does it not just reconnect when the WiFi becomes available like every other device? I now have to have two door bells in case the Ring goes off line. It's happened a few times and we've had failed deliveries despite being home! Time for a better doorbell I think!


      16-09-2022 11:24:03

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