Ring Video Doorbell
Need to remove faceplate to reprogram at new house
Not new to Ring (I installed a RingPro and several spot cams at last house) but just bought a house that has a Ring Doorbell already hardwired in by previous owner, but even after extensive searching online, I cannot figure out how to unmount/remove face plate on this thing to reprogram onto my Wifi/Account. There are two screws on bottom rear two corners...do I need to have a tool to unscrew those? Help please. 
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28-06-2022 02:15:01
Responses (1)
- R
@Tom_Ring have one for my Ring Pro and other installs I've done, but it doesnt fit. Do you know which tool I need for this particular model?
30-06-2022 01:16:15
Didn't find an answer ?
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Hi @robbpoe. Yes, you do need a tool (screwdriver) to remove the screws on the bottom of the Doorbell. This will allow you to access the setup button so you can connect the Doorbell to wifi. If you don't have the correct screwdriver, you can find on [here](https://ring.com/collections/accessories?filters=category:video-doorbell-wired,category:video-doorbell-pro,category:video-doorbell-pro-2,category:video-doorbell-elite,category:video-doorbell,category:video-doorbell-2,category:video-doorbell-3,category:video-doorbell-3-plus,category:video-doorbell-4,category:peephole-cam,type:spare-parts).
29-06-2022 05:40:25