Ring Video Doorbell

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Black Screen when playing motion

I am facing this problem with Doorbell 2. I see black screen with ring logo when playing motion video both on app and PC. Live view recording and playing is fine. Called ring help 3-4 times, tried all the remidies they suggested. No issue with the router speed, using same router for many years . They though it could be a hardware issue. They sent me a new door bell 2. After instalation, new doorbell recorded and played 2-3 motions on the day one (no black screen). Later, picture turned black again. I am back to square 1. I do not want to call them again as Ring people don't have any remedy for this issue. I believe this is some kind of bug like Corona Virus which needs to be rectified asap. This is a security issue and needs to be sorted out . After reading other people's post, black screen issue appears pandemic PLEASE DO SOMETHING




28-03-2020 07:17:30

Responses (3)

  • C

    Hi @Mr\_A. If your Ring videos are showing up as black videos and you've already been issues a replacement, this is normally related to router settings that need to be changed or reconfigured. You can learn more about how to make these adjustments for the videos to show up as normal in our Ring Help Center Article [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023439472-Fixing-Black-Video-Errors-by-Adjusting-Your-Router). Additionally, you normally just have to open up certain ports, protocols, and firewall settings that the Ring devices need opened as well, which you can learn more about [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/205385394-The-Protocols-and-Ports-Used-by-Ring-Devices). Hope this helps!


    30-03-2020 07:36:04


      I am seeing black video on my PC. BUT on my Android tablet the same video plays just fine. ROUTER PROBLEM???????????? NO!!!!! PC App problem and Ring support problem: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In the four years that I have owned Ring Doorbell Pro devices, the PC App has been the poor stepchild. Now it is hardly usable.


      02-06-2020 01:36:36


      How come I only see the black during the "Unverified Motion" events? If nothing triggers the doorbell, I can see the fast forwarded video review from night to day to night. ONLY when I have the motion trip the doorbell, THEN it bla\_cks out the event. After the event is done, I can see the review, until the end when it hits the Live point of the timeline. AYFKM?! I HAD TO FIX THIS?! The message body contains bla\_cks, which is not permitted in this community. Please remove this content before sending your post.


      21-07-2020 03:07:03


      Same thing started happening to me yesterday. I have a Ring Doorbell 2 and a Motion Light Camera. The Ring Doorbell 2 had worked just fine since we moved in about a month ago. I installed the Motion light a couple weeks ago and both worked fine until yesterday (8/9/2020). Now the Doorbell shows video during "non-motion" times and a totally black screen when motion is detected. The Motion light works as it should--video displayed both during "non-motion" and "motion" times.


      10-08-2020 08:46:17


      Hi @mrschuma! What does your device health indicate for battery and wifi signal strength? If this looks good, try removing and reinstalling the Ring app on your mobile device. Feel free to let us know how this goes! :)


      11-08-2020 10:00:51

  • C

    Hi there, neighbors. When videos are not playing, the best first step is to [check your device health and RSSI](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229) to ensure your wifi signal strength is optimal. Next, please log in at [Ring.com](http://ring.com/) to [confirm your Protect Plan subscription](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/115001671383-General-Information-on-Ring-Protect-Subscription-Plans) is active for the desired location and Ring device. Please also ensure there is not a VPN enabled on your device. I recommend checking your recordings in the history section when logged in at [Ring.com](http://ring.com/) via web browser, to see if they will play there. If recordings still do not playback or are having issues, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support.


    01-10-2021 08:55:30

    • C


      01-10-2021 08:55:33

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