
Ring Security Cameras

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Ipad pro and general app performance live view

https://photos.app.goo.gl/jVKhMic63ocQgruV6 https://photos.app.goo.gl/vfuLLsTLYangCFCX9 rssi is always good , they're on the own wi fi extenders. they both have alarm extenders also . hard wired to main , 2 floodlight security cams constant disconnect from live view for the reasons seen . at my wits end . internet of the house is 90 meg down 15 meg or so up. only things that are wifi are the cams and alarm and phiilips hue. everything else including the Ipad to view cams on are hard wired Ethernet . don't know what else I can do , drop outs , fuzzy pictures , green pixelation , grainy pictures at night etc can anyone post any success theyve had ?




03-10-2021 12:13:32

Responses (2)

  • F

    jusdel37 - If you are able to answer some initial questions, perhaps Ring Community members can provide you with some suggestions: * In the Video Settings for each Floodlight cam, have you tried turning OFF the Color Night Vision setting? * Have you confirmed that the WiFi connection is ALWAYS at 2.5 GHz (instead of 5.0 GHz)... and that no “auto switching” is occurring? * Is that snow on the ground in the photo? * What is the typical night time temperature range? * Are the floodlight cams providing the lighting in the photo? * Is the color of both vehicles Black? * What is the Product Name/Year/Generation of the Floodlight cams? * Have the Floodlight cams EVER produced clear video clips during the day? * Have the Floodlight cams EVER produced clear video clips at night? * If you look out a window at night, would your view be DRAMATICALLY clearer than the photo? * What is a typical Day Time RSSI number? * What is a typical Night Time RSSI number * Does rebooting the router/extenders EVER help?


    03-10-2021 02:20:21


      they are both bought within the last year so latest gen I'd imagine with alarm set. rssi is always very low 50's 50 -53 typiclally for the front , lower for the back 48-51 (closer to router) I even have an indoor cam which is the same. both cameras have their own ring alarm extenders and a dedicated 2.5 ghz extender each. tried turning off color night vision I prefer normal with no colour at night I find it provides sharper image. no snow on the ground , I'm in the uk so nighttime 10 degrees to 19 degrees unless very cold. the far car is black the closer one is very close to black. . I don't think If I looked out it would be any clearer. Really my beef isn't with the quality because the recorded video is always good it's more about the stability of live view. For example the other day when postman came with parcel I started love view when he rang bell. I walked a metre and a half to front door , opened didn't have to sign for parcel , said thank you closed door and turned around (took maybe 30 seconds tops) and the error message was already on the screen. I've tried ipad pro on wifi, on Ethernet , on combo etc makes no difference


      03-10-2021 02:36:13

  • F

    jusdel37 - As you've probably discovered... if you have Ring products, dealing with Internet issues can be a very frustrating, time-consuming, and/or expensive ordeal. (If you glance at the posts on this website, you'll notice that connectivity problems seem to be very common.) Have you read the following Ring article regarding RSSI values? https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229 Have you also read this article? https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/217271526-Understanding-RSSI-Values-and-Wireless-Signal-Strength In the first article, you'll see that an RSSI of: -65 to -41 is sufficient. Possible video issues if constantly at -60. -40 or better is virtually no interference and a very strong signal. In other words, according to this article, your RSSI values are “sufficient”, rather than “great”. Software: * Are you using a VPN? * If you use the Rapid Ring app (instead of the Ring app) for Live view... do you still experience the same problems? Network Equipment: * Unfortunately, in my experience, Ring products require higher Internet speeds and more impressive, powerful, up-to-date network equipment than you would expect. * Do ISP Internet Tech Support reps detect any speed and/or connectivity issues from their end? iPad Pro: * Are you able to stream non-Ring video via WiFi without any problems?


    03-10-2021 12:47:50

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