Ring Security Cameras

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User Solution
Floodlight Cam Wired Pro static noise

I bought and installed a Floodlight Cam Wired Pro a month ago. There was a static noise coming from the camera speaker. The noise stopped when I enabled the microphone in the app. I did a few reset on the device and also by turning off\on the breaker. I got a replacement. This time, I got it installed by a certified electrician and the cam is making the same static noise, but it is louder than it was with the previous light. This is unacceptable. The replacement floodlight cam is also defective? Really? And I wasted money by hiring an electrician. I found a few posts on the internet for similar problems. It seems to be a common and known problem by Ring. Is there a way to fix it or do I need to find and install a new floodlight camera but from a different company?




06-12-2021 01:05:18

Responses (14)

  • C
    Accepted Solution
    User Solution

    Hey neighbors! Your Ring Security Cameras shouldn’t be exhibiting any static noises. If you are experiencing this, please try the following troubleshooting steps: Review the RSSI in the Device Health section of the Ring app to see if a poor connection could be causing audio concerns.Check out our guide for fixing audio and sound concerns in our Help Center here. This guide will go over various different causes for sound issues and help you narrow down what the cause might be.Check the wiring for your device if it’s hardwired, like the Floodlight Cam, to ensure none of the wires or frayed and that there are no exposed cables. If you’re uncomfortable with looking at the wiring, we recommend consulting a qualified electrician for assistance.Reset your Camera by holding down the setup button for at least 20 seconds. After the reset is complete, set the Camera back up in the Ring app using the instructions under Set Up a Device. If this concern persists and you’re still hearing a static noise from your Camera, please reach out to our support team at one of the numbers available here.


    06-06-2022 04:45:10

    • M

      I'm have the same exact problem.


      08-12-2021 12:59:08

      • M

        There should not be any noise coming from your Camera unless you've triggered two way audio, or enabled the Camera's Siren. A static noise certainly should not happen. As you've covered power variables by using an electrician, check out your [RSSI in the device health section of the Ring app](https://community.ring.com/t/how-it-works-your-ring-device-rssi-good-vs-poor/229), to ensure for optimal wifi signal. If you have [Motion Warning](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360048674751-Motion-Warning-Information) enabled, try disabling it to see if this makes any difference. I recommend also checking the area for any electronics or large appliances nearby, that could be making this sound. If powering the Camera off for a few moments then back on does not resolve this concern, our support team can take a closer look at this for you. Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). If you are outside of the US, please visit [here ](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/213608406)to see how to contact support. Feel free to let us know how this goes! :)


        08-12-2021 03:53:24

        • TL

          Any fix for this issue? I'm having the same problem


          11-02-2022 01:14:31

          • F

            I'm having the same issue with static in the audio feed on my Ring Floodlight Cam Wired Pro. The static was noticeable from the very first day I installed the cam. I tried all the power cycling and troubleshooting steps mentioned by the OP. Even worse, the Pro has been throwing an "overheat" notification even though the ambient temperature is only 71F. I also noticed that the floodlight toggles on and off randomly on its own without any motion. Feels like it might be an issue with a component. I have a Ring Floodlight Cam Wired Plus a few feet away using the same splice from the junction box and there's no noise coming over that camera's audio feed.


            18-04-2022 07:36:02


              Hi @faithfulone. Sometimes audio issues can be related to your network. This Help Center article [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023556192-Fixing-Poor-Audio-Video-Quality-by-Adjusting-Your-Router) shows how you can fix some audio issues by adjusting your router. I would also check you wiring to ensure there is no fraying or exposed cable. I hope this helps.


              20-04-2022 05:55:25

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