DIN Ring transformer polarity
I'm trying to hardwire my alarm siren to the spare DIN transformer that I got with my Ring Doorbell Pro2. It has terminals 1,2 3 & 4. To provide 24volts I need to use terminals 1 and 4 but which is + and which is - as this seems to matter when wiring a siren. Its not clear from the information printed on the transformer itself.
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02-03-2022 12:20:51
Responses (2)
- N
I bet it'll work fine. The polarity doesn't matter. It's only to power the LED light, the siren itself works from those big old Ever Readies ;)
21-03-2022 01:40:08
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The DIN transformer power output specifications; > **24VDC, 0.42A, 10.0W** > Built-in short-circuit protection. look to be just outside of the Alarm Outdoor Siren hardwiring specs > * **Do not apply DC power above or below 9–28V, 12W** > * Do not apply AC power > * Do not use wire gauge above or below 0.2-2.5mm2 Check out our [Outdoor Siren Help Center article](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360050832752-Outdoor-Siren-hardwiring-instructions) for more tips on installation. When it comes to wiring, we advise consulting with a qualified electrician. :)
02-03-2022 03:46:01