Ring Video Doorbell
Can't get security screws off!
I can't get either security screw to come off. The head is NOT stripped, I can get the Ring supplied tool in there, both screws spin with no problem, but just don't come out - they just spin in place. I can't get a good grip with pliers because the head of the screw is so thin. I need to change the wifi this connects to, and apparently you can only do this by accessing the orange button on the back of the unit, which I cannot get off. Beyond frustrated.
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10-12-2019 08:34:28
Responses (30)
- D
Thanks, tried with a screwdriver that day, but it was too thick. Will try a razor blade or my wife actually suggesed some thin wire that we can hopefully get under the head of the screw and one of us can apply downward pressure whilst the other one keeps unscrewing. Ring support told me I could change the wifi without removing the unit, but when I followed their instructions... "Here are the steps on how to connect your wi-fi connection without getting off your Ring device from the mounting location: - Tap on the icon or preview tile for the device we are setting up. - Select 'Device Health' from the available options. - In the Network section, tap on 'Change Wi-Fi Network' for online devices, 'Reconnect to Wi-Fi' for offline devices, or 'Change Connection Type'. Only one of these options will be available. - A pop up appears advising you to be near the device and has your Wi-Fi password. Select 'Continue' to proceed." Well after you click 'continue' the only options are to hit the orange button (can't get the unit off to access the orange button) or remove the battery pack (this unit doesn't have a battery pack, it's hard wired.)
13-12-2019 07:09:28
SAny luck with this? I've just tried to get it off to charge the battery and having the same issue?
31-01-2020 05:41:19
DI did get them off but it involved breaking the plastic at the bottom. I used a screwdriver to pry under the head of the screw and forced it out. It took a few days before i used enough force. I was able to do what I had to do and reconnected it with no security screws. I’m not worried about it getting stolen.
31-01-2020 09:19:09
PThe exact knife method worked for me!!! Thanks. I did break off that screw tho, it was seized
12-03-2020 08:23:29
SNo luck with knives/blades etc.... however if you take a small thin screwdriver and twist in-between the backplate and ring device - it pops out of the holder really easily!!!!! Nothing broke so far (hopefully....) but this is pretty terrible quality......
22-03-2020 03:47:35
- R
Hello: Been having trouble with my Doorbell camera for a while now. Had to change our wifi password which knocked our camera offline. In order to fix this, we have to remove the doorbell and push the orange button in the back, well, we have tried to remove the doorbell but the screws seem to be stripped. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this? Thank you in advance.
24-03-2020 07:51:13
- E
How can both BOTH screws spin in place? I even broke the bit out of the screwdriver handle and put it on my drill-driver. Tried getting under the head with a razor blade and swiss army knife blade. Grabbing it with a flat ended pliers didn't budge it. I need to charge it or it just becomes a dead ADT sign in the yard. The solar charger just isn't working for me. Wanting my money back.
13-05-2020 08:51:01
JThis is a ring design flaw. They should pay for a replacement after we break it off.
27-08-2020 02:36:32
BIt takes T6 Torx driver to get the little screws out. The head was stripped on one side so I couldn't remove it. Used a pair of needle nose pliers heald at 90 degrees to the screw head and managed to loosen it enough for wrench to work. Someone else suggested this above. It works for stripped torx heads.
01-09-2020 04:40:41
TI had one screw that was working and another that was not, until the 2nd screw went out today. Since I could no longer remove the doorbell camera to charge it I was extremely frustrated and upset. I called the 800 # and they were super helpful. They ended up sending me a replacement one for free and said that I am not liable for any damages I might cause taking the old one off. So very grateful for their customer service. I recommend calling them before trying to remove it yourself to avoid breaking it before speaking with them.
16-09-2020 08:11:56
- S
I had the same problem. Just talked with Ring support and here's what worked. I had first loosened the one screw that still worked, but hopefully this works for those of you who have 2 stripped screws. Get a rubber mallet. Place towel over the top and hit the doorbell casing, but not very hard. Then place the towel over the bottom and hit the doorbell casing with a bit more force. It came right off with no damage to the casing.
26-09-2020 05:15:53
- S
So for my unit, this was the issue. The insert that houses the security screw is spinning in the housing (see attached photo). To me, this is a manufacturer defect that they need to correct. I'm going to hard wire my unit so that I don't have to remove it for charging.
25-06-2020 12:46:46
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@dwiller1: Assuming you are correct and the tool fits securely into the screw heads and you can actually see the screws turning with the tool, but not backing out of the threads in the backplate, I can only guess that the screw or backplate threads are stripped for some reason. I've had mine out about 8-9 times to resync Ring doorbell with my wifi, so I'm familiar with what should happen. My suggestion is to use an Exacto knife, or similar thin pointed razor blade, to try to gently wedge under the screw head as you turn the screw. Sometimes that causes the remaining threads to grab enough to back the screw out or reach the unstripped portion of the screw.
10-12-2019 10:33:25