Ring Security Cameras
Ring Spotlight Camera - install charged battery, but red LED light still on
I have a Ring Spotlight Camera. I installed a charged battery, but the red LED light that indicates a dead battery is still lit, and the Ring app shows that the battery is dead, too. I've tried the reset button to no avail. Does anyone have an idea of what the problem might be, and what solution might work? Thanks!
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08-04-2020 05:18:15
Responses (16)
- R
I now have the same issue. 16 months old and now useless bit of plastic. Anyone ever get resolution? Thanks
24-08-2020 07:13:34
MHi @Rick2119! As long as your battery is fully charged and properly inserted into the battery slot, the Camera should power up and be responsive. Please ensure there is not any debris on the battery or in the battery slot. If the Camera is not responding, try a reset by holding the setup button for 20 seconds. Once the reset is complete, please attempt a new setup in the Ring app to see if your Camera will reconnect and operate as intended. If not, please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/213608406). We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360041597471) to see how to contact support.
25-08-2020 04:25:34
- A
I am having this same issue with both of my spotlight cams. I bought two new batteries thinking that may do the trick but it did the same thing. Support states that it is a defective product but it is odd that it happened to both of them.
19-05-2020 12:11:35
PI’m having the same issue. Ring spotlight cam suddenly went offline with full battery and wont power on. I have tried replacing three different fully charged batteries, but the inside of the battery compartment still shows the blinking red light. My other spotlight cam accepted all three batteries and powered right up, and my wi-fi signal is strong so that cant be a factor.....was there a recent firmware update that maybe caused this??
19-05-2020 02:40:22
- C
I am having the same issue. I believed it to be the old battery, only 3 months old, and bought 2 new batteries. Charged both all night put them into the spotlight and they show red as if they had no charge. Things to note the ring spotlight worked fien for 3 moths, and i charged it 3 times successfully.
21-05-2020 02:31:21
RI have exactly the same issues. Two previously functional cameras just show red lights in the battery compartments when fully charged batteries are inserted. Both have auxiliary solar panels attached.
22-05-2020 01:13:28
- K
I'm having the exact same problem with mine. It has only worked for a short time since I've had it. Not pleased with Ring! Kathy
01-06-2020 01:00:55
- B
Buy the solar panels that come with ring so battery’s stay charged with the sun and no more charging. Make sure you put two batteries in your ring instead of one.
01-06-2020 01:52:08
BWell, having just purchased two outdoor solar cameras to compliment our Ring doorbell, I purchased two further genuine batteries from Amazon. New, straight from the box and charging via USB, one battery red+green, the other red only (all day). Not only is it disappointing that customers appear to be left to wonder aimlessly around the forums without representative interjection, there certainly appears to be serious quality/reliability issues with Ring battery products.
01-08-2020 06:36:15
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Hey @timc. If you have charged up the batteries to full and the Spotlight Cam is still not powering on, I recommend give our support team a call [here](https://support.ring.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036196372-Get-in-Touch) to work out any of the best next steps for you!
08-04-2020 04:36:45