Ring Security Cameras

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Accepted Solution
Floodlight cam keeps turning on and off

I have a wired floodlight cam that constantly has the lights turn on and off after sunset. I thought perhaps it was picking up movement of some sort, so I logged into the app and suspended motion. The lights continued to turn on and off. I tried turning the light switch off and back on, thinking maybe the camera needed a reboot. That didn't work. Anybody else have this issue? Thank you.




14-01-2020 08:05:36

Responses (34)

  • T
    Accepted Solution

    Hi all, adjusting your Light Settings or setting up a Light Schedule is a great way to mitigate your light activation. Many times when lights are triggering despite minimizing settings, it is due to a heat source in the area. Please check for any HVAC units, vents, exhausts, vehicles, or any source of heat close by that might be triggering these lights. Keep in mind, your lights will also trigger when regular motion is detected. If lights are illuminating every 30 minutes or so, I recommend checking the even history for this camera to see if there is also a motion event recorded this frequently.In addition to checking for heat sources and minimizing light zones, adjusting your normal motion settings and light duration controls can also help. As the Floodlight Camera features a XXXX degree field of view, there are times when the lights might trigger due to a heat source such as a vehicle. Even if not in range, a vehicle often has a large heat radius and can trigger motion activated lights.If this concern persists, despite checking the above variables, our support team can take a closer look. You can get in touch at one of the numbers here, or on Facebook @Ring by sending a private message.


    11-06-2021 05:49:01

    • C

      Does the firmware version say "Up to Date" or does it have a version number?


      15-01-2020 05:42:11


        Hi there. Checking the ring.com app shows the firmware as "Up to Date".


        15-01-2020 04:24:02


        An older version of the firmware had a bug which caused the lights to come on evey 30 minutes. But it was fixed in the latest update. Your light motion sensor might be overally sensitive. Did you try to turn it way down? And keep in mind that the light motion detector is separate from the video/camera motion detector.


        16-01-2020 06:06:12


        Hi CrazyCat. You may be on to something. I've snoozed the motion sensing, but didn't realize the light sensor is different. When you suggest turning down the light sensor, do you mean adjusting the distance from max to min? Out of curiousity, are you suggesting that if I turn the light sensor distance way down, but keep the motion the same, the lights will still go oun with motion? Or does the motion and lights work together? If light motion is set to min, but motion is where it is, if motion is detected, lights will still go on? On the flip side, if lights are set to maximum, is it possible lights could go on, but no recording of data, becasue motion hasn't been triggered? Just curious. Thank you.


        16-01-2020 03:26:34


        The camera and light motion detection are completely independent of each other (which is bizarre - clearly the camera should trigger the light but it doesn't). Only upside is that the camera has night vision so still get something - though camera with light turning on is always best. The light motion detection tends to be a wider area and more sentive than the camera. I suggest you turn it down slightly. Both these sensors are VERY trial and error. I initially put them all on max then slowly tweaked them (reduced sensitivity or area of coverage) each day. Tweak a little, watch it for a couple of days, tweak a little, etc... After about a week of tweaking I got them just right. Hope this helps


        17-01-2020 06:25:47


        Thanks for the feedback. I'll have try to tweek the light settings, but right now I turned if all the way down (for now). When the light does go on, it doesn't trigger a motion alert on my phone, so it's definitly a light thing. Too bad they don't allow you to set light zones, like they do with motion zones, so you can define when to trigger the light.


        17-01-2020 11:33:28

    • L

      The bulbs cannot be replaced according to ring, but there are enough LEDs things out there now that a simple swap should be able to be done. Now Ring told me there was only one year warranty and they would give 35pc off a new one. . I found something that said 3-year warranty and called them, after about 1/2 hour discussion they covered it. Mine was about 1 1/2 years old. I received my new one yesterday,. They were very friendly about it. Here's the link. [https://www.qvc.com/footers/el/pdf/E232228\_Warranty.pdf](https://www.qvc.com/footers/el/pdf/E232228_Warranty.pdf) Cheers Chris


      17-01-2020 04:46:23

      • 9

        Many people are having the same problem, including myself. Hope Ring can fix this bug soon.


        15-06-2020 04:16:46

        • D

          Hi, My firmware is up to date but I've noticed too that my flood lights keep turning on and off. I've played with the motion sensors and motion coverage areas, but it doesn't resolve the problem right away. The flying night bugs may be triggering the motion sensors to trigger the lights. I've noticed that this happened last night June 21, 2020 around 9pm-9:30pm, and it may be the result of the summer soltice daylight periods. After 9:30pm, the problem went away...perhaps it was because of my tinkering with the senors and coverage area for triggering the lights. But this shouldn't be happening at all. Ring: please fix this bug.


          22-06-2020 06:11:24

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