Ring Video Doorbells

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Which transformer for Ring Video Doorbell Wired (UK)?

I've bought a Ring Video Doorbell Wired and despite my house being only 15 years old, the transformer for my current doorbell is only 6VA, 6V, 50HZ. The Ring doorbell requires 8-24VAC. I've bought a Ring Chime for the audio - I'll use this and the Amazon Echo devices I have around the house, I am happy to not use the current bell. Will I just need to replace my transformer? Is it just a case of turning off the power to it, taking out the current one and fitting a new one? Here is a [picture of my doorbell](https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ap6bIfBcKpuso5oyhx1f4LqOsYARgQ?e=ytl4dr). I've marked in green what I think is the transformer and in red what I think is the bell... Any recommendation as to which transformer I should get? Is this one okay? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Navaris-Door-Bell-Transformer-12V/dp/B07J2NWYC4/ref=sr_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=transformer+ring&qid=1624144124&sr=8-5




20-06-2021 02:03:43

Responses (10)

  • W

    Following as I have exactly the same transformer and have just got the Ring wired doorbell. Installation is not as simple as I thought it would be so I am probably going to send mine back. I’m also in the UK.


    20-06-2021 07:08:10


      Hi Welsley, I got some good info here https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/which-transformer-for-ring-video-doorbell-wired-uk.573232/


      21-06-2021 10:24:43

  • W

    Thanks a lot. I’m not sure whether to give it a go, or just return the Ring bell. The new housing box and transformer will be smaller than the existing door bell chime unit, and I’ve only just decorated! I was hoping for plug and play! Bit it’s turning into a much bigger job. I’d be interested to see how you get on.


    21-06-2021 10:53:00


      I know there's a massive hole behind my existing doorbell unit - the wife will notice! It will have to be plaster boarded...😒 I'm doing some IT upgrade stuff this week and all weekend, so I won't be able to do it until next week. I would like to do it as it will be useful - I'll see if my dad fancies doing the plaster boarding lol. Another issue is that my current doorbell is a bit low at about 40", Ring suggest 48" https://support.ring.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360040763812-Proper-Positioning-for-your-Ring-Video-Doorbell-2nd-Generation-#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20as%20illustrated%20above,48%20inches%20above%20the%20ground.&text=The%20motion%20sensors%20in%20your,feet%20outward%20from%20the%20fixture. I'll update this thread with any progress...


      21-06-2021 12:24:52


      Okay so it took a while as I've been busy with work, etc. but I finally completed the installation and setup of it today! I'm glad I persevered as I'm happy with the result! I'll describe how I set it all up in a YouTube video, which I'll create and post in a few days. In the meantime, let me know if you have any questions 😊


      22-07-2021 10:23:13


      Here's a video on [How I Installed the Ring Video Doorbell Wired](https://youtu.be/nb1z2dTU0uc).


      11-08-2021 02:22:20

  • P

    Hi - I install Ring Doorbells in the UK and come up against your situation very often! If you want to keep your existing Chime box and not mess up your decorating: Order this (slim) driver from Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07CW32SQ8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o05_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 1: Turn off the power! 2: Remove all the internals from your chime box (inc the metal 'dongs') (you might need to use a pair of wire cutters / pliers carefully if you need to cut into a few plastic internals) 3: Connect up the driver (transformer) to the mains in (top of your pic and the 24v our (bottom of your pic) 4: connect your Doorbell as per instructions 5: Put the chime cover back on - It should fit because you bought the slim driver Power back on and add your bell in the app. All done and your wife wont complain that you've pulled the old chime box off an d messed up the decorating! Good luck.


    21-06-2021 07:40:42


      This sounds like a perfect solution for now 👍 I'm guessing the **24V 0.625A, 15W** version would be okay and would have the lowest running cost and heat generation of all 3 options?


      22-06-2021 04:11:26


      Hi, when connecting the transformer to the ring doorbell does it matter which way round the 2 wires go?


      06-02-2023 03:02:13


      I have bought a YAYZA! LED Driver 24V 15W, 240V to 24V Transformer, IP44 0.625A Low Voltage Power Supply, AC to DC Adapter, Constant Voltage for LED Strip Lights and Cabinet Lights, LED Bulbs, Ring Doorbell. Do I just wire it in, 2 wires from the doorbell to the transformer?


      09-02-2023 07:19:05

  • M

    Good day, neighbors. The [Video Doorbell Wired](https://en-uk.ring.com/products/video-doorbell-wired-chime) can be hardwired to your doorbell if you have a compatible doorbell system (rated 8-24 VAC, 10-40VA, 50/60Hz ), or you can use Ring [DIN Rail Transformer 2nd Gen](https://en-uk.ring.com/collections/accessories/products/din-rail-transformer-gen-2) (24VDC, 0.42A , 10.0W). Please note, the installation of this Video Doorbell model is intended to bypass the chime kit, thus disabling the sounds operation. The link above is to the Doorbell Wired and Chime combo. Alternatively, you can also use this [Plug-In Adapter](https://en-uk.ring.com/collections/accessories/products/video-doorbell-plug-in-adapter) to power the Video Doorbell Wired. I hope this helps! :)


    21-06-2021 07:51:58


      Does the DIN Rail Transformer 2nd Gen have to go into its own enclosure or consumer unit? If so, I might use this option later on (going with the Yayza option that @Passion4Property suggested as a short-term solution - this doesn't require any decorating!).


      22-06-2021 04:14:37

  • D

    Continuing the discussion from [Which transformer for Ring Video Doorbell Wired (UK)?](https://community.ring.com/t/which-transformer-for-ring-video-doorbell-wired-uk/62516): Thanks for the tip, transformer ordered. I went with the exact model as the ring video doorbell wired is rated at 1.2 Amps 8-24v ac. I don’t want a burning smell coming from my front door.


    19-07-2021 04:40:40

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