Verification Code does not work

For the last few weeks I have been attempting to log into my Ring on the web with no luck. I log in with password and them am asked to enter the 2SV code that i received via email. When I do type in, or cut an paste in the code and select Verify Code the code turns back to all zeros with a note “This field is required.” Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Hi @russj. I would recommend trying a different browser or incognito mode to see if that will allow you to login. Additionally, try clearing the cache and cookies for your selected browser to see if that works. If those suggestions do not correct the issue, try reaching out to our support team for the next best steps.

Please give our support team a call at one of the numbers available here. We’re taking additional steps to protect our team and help reduce the spread of COVID-19, so this has resulted in longer than normal wait times. If you are outside of the US, please read our response to COVID-19 here to see how to contact support.

The verification code is saying “This field is required.” I’ve tried in both Firefox and Chrome and in incognito mode. It is not a caching issue. It is not recognizing that a code has been submitted.

Sorry to hear about this, @chrisl2! If you are not already, please try manually entering this code into the field rather than copy/ paste or quick paste from messages options (found on mobile devices). I recommend also trying another device entirely, if possible, to rule out display and other variables. If this concern persists, the next best step will be to reach out to our support team, as suggested above. Feel free to let us know how this goes! :slight_smile: