Unhelpful (thumbs down) button for comments

Comments on a posted video can be marked as Helpful by clicking the thumbs up button so I would like to be able to mark a comment as Unhelpful by clicking a thumbs down button.

The reason for the request is because a lot of Ring users in my community have a tendency to make unhelpful (snarky, irrelevant, jokes, etc) comments and maybe allowing the community to show displeasure could help minimize these comments. Some concerned users have asked unhelpful commenters to stop with unhelpful comments but it doesn’t seem to be effective. An Unhelpful button may help if the commenter gets negative feedback.

I suggest NOT having an Unhelpful button on the original posts themselves, just the comments on the original post. Though there are some unhelpful posts, they haven’t been too much of an issues and I’d rather err on the side of caution of over-reporting. But reading comments in order to get more details on the alerts has become less efficient due to the number of unhelpful comments.

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This must have been added at some point because it is now a feature in the app. Thanks Ring!

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