Unable to subscribe to any plan

I used to have a plan for my doorbell camera, which I cancelled some months ago. I am now trying to resubscribe, but am getting the below error every single time. It does it for any type of plan I try to subscribe to, and I’ve tried 3 different cards. Same result.

has anyone else has this issue? And if so how did you resolve it? I tried calling customer services but it said I was calling outside working hours, even though I wasn’t.

Hi @barleyv7. In general, we always recommend ensuring the web browser you’re using is fully updated, and any VPNs are turned off or have Ring traffic excluded. You can also try a different web browser to see if that works. If this issue continues to happen, you’ll need to follow up with our support team for further assistance, as the Ring Community is a public forum, and we don’t have access to account or billing information. The hours of operation for our support team in the UK are 7AM-7PM BST (8am-8pm CET).

I have been days trying to subscribe to a plan without success. It seems the company just don’t want our money.

Hi @user70169. Make sure the web browser you’re using is updated, and check that you’re using the correct payment method. If this issue persists, please follow up with our support team for further assistance.

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