Unable to remove home because of broken myQ integration

I moved homes and have no access to the myQ machine in question or physical access to the property.I was able to remove the doorbell and floodlight cameras outside, but with no other devices left, all I see is this myQ device left in error state and unable to delete the home. I have several unsuccessful attempts working with support to fix this.

Hi @JohnSetterlund. This could be happening because you’re no longer near the myQ device. Unfortunately, the Ring Community is a public forum so we don’t have access to any account details to see if there’s an issue on the backend that would be causing this. The only thing I can think to suggest is to ensure your Ring app is fully updated.

If this continues to happen, preventing you from removing the Location, you’ll need to follow up with our support team to see if there’s any other options available when you don’t have access to the myQ device anymore. If they’re not able to assist since it is a third-party device, you may need to use a new Location to set up your Ring devices under.

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