Spotlight Cam - lights on activated by motion on a schedule


Can the spotlight cam have the lights come on that ar activated by motion on a time schedule? ie they between 10pm and 6am? or is that what the Light Schedue option is?

Hi @kalpeshpatel. Which model of Spotlight Cam do you have, the Battery or Wired version? Additionally, would you mind providing a screenshot of the Light Schedule option that you’re seeing in the Ring App? I’d be happy to take a look and confirm for you. :slight_smile:


It’s a Ring Floodlight Camera

@kalpeshpatel Thanks for that clarification! With the Light Schedule on your Floodlight Cam, you can set your Floodlights to turn on or off at any time you choose. You can read more about the Light Schedule feature here. I hope that helps! :slight_smile:

Thanks, but using this feature will the lights stay in between the set times or only come on when activated by motion?

@kalpeshpatel For the Floodlight Cam, the lights will stay on during the scheduled time set in the Ring App. :slight_smile: