SmartThings integration: Allow exclude location from integration


I am able to integrate Ring with SmartThings but it seems that SmartThings imports all locations/devices that Ring can control. My Ring has 2 locations, one for home and one for church. I would like to be able to exclude a location from being “imported” into SmartThings. This should be easy to implement. I don’t want the cameras at the “church” location to show up in my Home SmartThings application.

Thank you

Thank you for sharing your experience, @borice! I will definitely pass this along to our teams here for consideration.

As we always value our neighbors’ feedback, feel free to add this request on our Feature Request Board. This way other neighbors can share their interest in one place, that we can organize and share with our teams here. :slight_smile:

I recommend also making the same inquiry or request via SmartThings support, as they will likely control this import method.