Smart plug is off by minus 7 hours

I have to program my ring outdoor smart plug by minus 7 hours to get it to work. I have a new echo hub refurbished as its hub. In both cases these things show proper time. Anyone have any experience with this same problem. For history and so we don’t cover this again, I have removed and added times zones and schedules.

Hi @Tim_notring. I would suggest verifying your location in your Ring app to see if it helps. To do so, follow these steps:

  • Open the Ring app
  • Tap the 3 blue lines on the top left.
  • Tap Settings
  • Select Address
  • Tap the Edit Address button.
  • Start typing the address but select it from the drop down, in order for the address to be verified.
  • Tap Use This Address
  • Give the location a name and tap Save Location.

You also want to make sure you do not have a VPN active on your phone. If you have tried these steps and are still having the same concern, give our support team a call for further assistance.

Yes this was the first thing I checked.