Security cameras Motion alerts and Mode settings

If you check out the feature request board, you will see that this has been a popular feature request for years now with hundreds of posts: Option to control alerts or notifications within Modes Settings - Products / Feature Request Board - Ring Community.

Schedules are insufficient, because when the alarm is armed, I want a different schedule (i.e. don’t want alerts during the day when I’m there, but do want them during the day when I’m out). Another alternative would be tying schedules to modes so they can be on or off depending on the mode.

Geofencing is also insufficient because I’m not the only person who lives in my house. If I’m away from the house but my family is there, I want alerts suppressed. If we’re all away, I want them on. That’s when I’d arm the alarm.

So to be useful this has to be tied to modes. This feature doesn’t seem like rocket science (from someone who worked in Software for 30 years and has worked at Microsoft, and currently at Amazon, ironically). Why is there no response from Ring as to what the plan here is? Not terribly customer-obsessed…