Ring "retiring" email authentication

I’m a secondary user on our Ring home system. I am not interested in sharing my phone number with Ring. I also give myself permission not to have to download a silly authentication app (lmao).

I trust the security of my email provider more than I trust Ring. Yet Ring thinks it knows better than we do whether our emails are secure. Ring doesn’t get to make that call.

Ring, reverse your uninformed decision to deprecate email verification for logins.

Sorry, but you’re off the mark here. I’ll provide the same response to you as in the other thread. (as you appear to have done here).

Firstly, you’re in favor of denying consumers the choice of which authentication they’d like to enable. Can you provide more information on why you feel consumers shouldn’t be able to decide for themselves the level of security they want, considering that all options are effectively secure for the average user?

Secondly, you’re assuming that most people are using the same passwords everywhere. Every service at signup encourage users to choose unique passwords. If they choose not to, that’s their own risk.

Thirdly, you’re assuming that enough users get their emails hacked that it’s simply unsafe to use email for authentication. Can you provide more information about how common that is?

Fourthly, you believe that your own personal preference for an authentication manager should apply to everyone. Considering that everyone has their own security-to-convenience balance preference, it’s pretty close-minded and arrogant to enforce your subjective wishes onto other adults.

Fifthly, you’re assuming everyone should be comfortable giving their phone number to Ring. Talk about hail corporate. Not everyone on Ring is the purchaser of the product. I didn’t purchase my cameras; my husband did. HE filled out a detailed order form including his phone number, not me. There is no reason for Ring to know my phone number. I don’t need to provide any reason stronger than that.

Hey neighbors. Over the past year we have been making various efforts to ensure our neighbor’s safety when using their Ring products and services. In an effort to stay in line with industry’s best practices, Ring is phasing out email as a method of account verification as a part of Two-Step Verification, and the options that neighbors have now to log in are the SMS or an Authenticator App. If you are unable to use SMS verification, we recommend using an Authenticator App, which can be installed on a mobile device, PC, or laptop.