Ring Floodlight Cam Plus not working with Light Group

Added a Floodlight Cam Plus to my Light group which includes multiple pathlights and four other Ring Wired Floodlights.

When motion is detected in the light group, all but the Floodlight Cam turn on. If the Floodlight Cam detects motion, it doesn’t toggle the Light Group. If I click on the Light Group, it shows my Floodlight Cam among the other devices. Tried restarting Bridge, Floodlight Cam, etc.

One thing to note is that my Wi-Fi is a mesh system, but I do not believe this is what’s causing the issue.

If I add the Floodlight Camera under each lights “Linked Devices” it works, but I have to set a specific time frame when to toggle the light on, rather depending on the amount of ambient light outside like on the Light Group.

Hope this makes sense!

Hi @Kbark. You can learn how to group multiple lights here. This Help Center article here has information on setting up a light group. It’s important to verify that you don’t have any other schedules or modes in place that could conflict with your group. If you’d like the light to stay on all night, you’ll need to setup a Dusk to Dawn Light Schedule. Let me know if this helps.